Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gay Purpose????

Could it be that many of the problems male shave when choosing to be gay, is that there is no live purpose connected with that choice?

Think about it, once you choose to be gay, you loose many expectations of you as a male in our society:

1. No expectation of marriage

2. No expectation of children

3. No expectation of a family

What this creates for many males who choose a gay lifestyle, is trying to justify their life. However, what he finds as his biggest challenge is connecting with another male for a 'relationship'.

Why is this? It could be because there is no 'purpose' for the relationship. Since the two males cannot crate growth from the union naturally, there is little focus on creating the union in the first place. So many males get stuck in the never ending quest for a male to be in a relationship with.

Many think of the idea to adopt which is fine. However, finding another male who wants to commit to a relationship with him, AND wants to adopt a child will be his biggest challenge. This is also where the 'relationship' ends.

So this all goes back to 'purpose'. Just as in any situation, there must be a purpose and growth connected to any 'commitment' we make in our lives, or we no longer have a desire to commit.

So before you 'choose' to live a gay lifestyle, you may want to honestly think about what you really want your life experience to be. Do you choose sex and sexual activity, or choose commitment, growth and family?

Then think about if you really want to 'restrict' who you are 'able' to love, based on the person having the same gender as yourself. It could be that your soul mate is not dictated by gender, but by the individual person, no matter what gender.

So before you choose to 'commit' to a gender, you might want to wait and commit to an individual, who actually wants to commit to you.

It's all about purpose and growth.

A Gay, is Not A Gay, Is Not A Gay...

So have you been convinced by the media marketing of the 'gay' group that all males who feel attracted to another male are all the same?

Well think again. There is a reason for this push, and it's tied to the males who want you to believe their hype.

Males that tend to belong or get pushed under the gay umbrella fall into 3 basic categories:

1. Intersex males born less masculine than the average male, who is attracted to the masculinity of other males more masculine than himself. The downside to this is that, the other more masculine male may be doing the exact same thing. Both trying to upgrade their masculinity, and rejecting who is attracted to them, and being rejected by the males they feel attracted to.

2. Normal males who start masturbating to males they admire at puberty, who create a manual sexual attraction to other male 'attributes' they wished they had in themselves(masculinity, muscular body, self confidence, penis size, taller, shorter, better body image, etc). And now he must consistently masturbate to 'admired' male attributes to maintain a sexual attraction to another male.

3. Sexually dysfunctional males who become whores and prostitutes either because they are unable to earn or main taint the trust of a female and resorts to either using other 'gay' males for a sexual outlet, offering themselves to be used by other sexually dysfunctional males for their sexual outlet.

Understanding this, don't you wonder why a person would 'choose' to hide under the gay umbrella, instead of seeking ways to resolve their issues. The side effect of all three categories is an inability for the male to obtain and maintain lasting and trusting friendships and or relationships with either other males or females.

So just maybe instead 'choosing' to BE your dysfunction driven by and controlled by sexual behavior, but 'choosing' to be a whole person who has the potential to earn the respect of others, so friendships and personal relationships are an option.

Something to think about.....

Sunday, March 8, 2009


There is much confusion around sexuality, sexual activity, sexual preference and gay. Most males don't know or understand the differences, and many tend to lump them all together.

This posting is to help males gain a better understanding of the four concepts.

Sexuality: This is the combination of your sexual preferences and sexual activity.

Sexual Activity: Just as the name implies, this is only chosen sexual activity.

Sexual Preference: This is only the 'preferred' sexual activity chosen by an individual. This does not exclude any type of sexual activity of the person, but only relates to the preference. For instance, a person could prefer mashed potatoes, but will eat carrots from time to time. Mashed potatoes is the preference, but the person is not restricted to only eating mashed potatoes.

Gay: This relates to an individual that has voluntarily 'chosen' to limit or restrict his 'sexual activity' ONLY to his chosen 'sexual preference'. In the case of mashed potatoes and carrots, this person is restricting himself to only having mashed potatoes without the option of ever having carrots. It's not that he does not like carrots, but he chooses not to eat them.

Very simply, what this points out is that most of the conversation about sex and sexuality in our media, is not based on basic factual information about sex and sexuality. The rigid and restrictive concepts connected to the term gay, has turned into the shackle that binds men and women to a lifestyle that 'restricts' their ability to find friendships, love and their soul mates, because the 'option' for that friend or soul mate is now 'restricted' based on gender, and not based on the individual.

It's time to Re-Think what you choose to believe about yourself.

It's A New Day!

Saturday, March 7, 2009



Do you think you are gay?
Do you think you were born with a sexual attraction for other males?
Do you think you don't have the ability to have an attraction for females?

Here a test you can do with yourself, so you are sure if your 'attraction' for other males is natural, or manual due to excessive masturbation to male attributes you admire in other males, but wish you had in yourself.

Before you 'choose' to live a life based on sexual attraction, don't you think it's worth spending 30 days to make sure you are making the right decision?

Follow The Steps Below For At Least 30 Days:

No masturbating to other desired male images, body parts, etc. If you must masturbate, do so to female images.

The more you try to obtain the 'admired' body parts of another male, the more you confuse sexual attraction with simple admiration. And the harder it will be for you not to masturbate to those 'admired' body parts of another male.

No online gay chat, no online gay porn, no men's fitness or workout magazines or online sources. This is a major source of masturbation images males use to maintain their sexual bond with admired male attributes.

No interaction with your previous masturbation buddies or masturbation options. Just like breaking any habit, obsession or addiction, avoiding your link to that behavior is a primary step toward recovery.

Avoid the many media messages that tell you that you are gay, or that 'gay' is an option for you. Very much like brainwashing, the prodding by media interests for you to 'choose' to be gay is very powerful as they need to recruit more members to validate their own existence.

Make a point to actively participate in your hobbies and learn more about your interests. Educate yourself or pay sports you enjoy. Make new friends with other males and females, not based on sexual preference, but based on common interests.

Follow these steps honestly and completely for at least 30 days. Only you know if you are bring honest with yourself.

For many the sexual obsession created through consistent masturbation is like a drug addition and requires a period of detox. The longer you have been masturbating to maintain your manual sexual bond with other male attributes, the more difficult it may be for you to experience living without masturbation.

Before you let 'others' tell you or 'convince' you to join the 'gay' group, or commit to limit your emotional relationships based on a gender, and not based on an individual person, you may want to give yourself a chance to really be clear on the live you are choosing to live.

Good Luck!

Monday, March 2, 2009

7 Rules for Male Same Gender Relationships.

Still challenged with finding love in your life?

Below are the basic 7 Rules for same gender relationships:

1. If your attraction for another male is based on physical attributes or masculinity you feel laking in yourself, he won't be looking for you.

2. If you choose to have sex with more than 3 people a year, you won't be trusted.

3. If you do not have respectable interests unrelated to sex in common, you will only be together until after you have sex.

4. If you do not focus on 'earning' his respect, you will never obtain his respect.

5. If porn or your working out in a gym is a part of your daily life, you will never be happy with one person.

6. If you try to justify your sexually dysfunctional behavior by using heterosexuals with similar dysfunctional behavior, you are only creating a foundation for failure.

7. If you cannot develop a lasting friendship without sexual activity, you will have no option for a relationship with sexual activity.

As you can see, the basis behind a 'gay' lifestyle is exactly what will restrict you from obtaining a stable, respectable friendship or relationship with another male.

Once you stop trying to 'be' gay, only then can you focus on 'being' a whole respectable person, that another male might see as a viable option.

It's your choice.