Could it be that the many males who feel 'sexually' attracted to other males are just 'confused' about what sexual attraction actually is?
Admiring another persons 'attributes' is not sexual attraction. However a person can masturbate to those attributes and create a 'manual' simulated sexual attraction for those 'attributes'.
How do you know when you are 'simulating' sexual attraction?
1. You realize that you must make available to you a variety of 'images' of that 'attribute' so that you can become sexually aroused.
2. You realize that you must have available to you a variety of 'images' of that 'attribute' to use for masturbation to release sexual energy.
3. You realize that the only available sexual activity is masturbation, either self stimulation, with the aide of another persons body parts not a sexual organ, or against or inside another person body but not a sexual organ.
However, what he will find is that once he stops masturbating to admired images of 'attributes' he wished he had for or of himself, his simulated sexual 'attraction' for those 'attributes' also diminishes.
What's left for him to do now is to face and overcome his issues of low self esteem that put him in fear of:
- the responsibility of earning the trust of a female,
- the responsibility of a 'commitment' to another person for a lifetime
- the responsibility for raising children and the life long commitment to them
Unfortunately, so many weak minded males choose to hide behind their own fears, cluster in a group of like minded males who are traveling down the same road. Masturbating to male 'attributes' they wished were theirs, and being rejected consistently by their 'attributes' of desire.
Eventually they realize that it's never about a person but only attributes they wished were their own. Which they can never have. These are the males at one point or another, finally realize that the 'choice' to 'be gay' or be their sexual confusion issues was not the best choice to make for their lives.
Others, who have degraded themselves to much for so long, may feel stuck in that lifestyle concept, since the option to earn the respect from anyone 'not' participating in the same sex based behavior is all but nonexistent. The result is their 'role' becomes one of 'convincing' other younger males or other males who are suffering from their own sexual confusion, to follow in their foot steps. Not because it's the best option for them, but because misery loves company.
It's a very sad situation.
Many state their choice is not their own, but if that's the case, who is making them do it???
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...