Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Gay Rights War......What is it good for?

The battle continues all over the world. One group of people fight for their rights, and another group rejects those rights. But why is this happening........what are people really fighting for........what are people rejecting?

As people all over the worked on an ongoing basis, there is a protest here and there about obtaining their rights. The right to work, the right to be paid a fair wage, the right to eat, the right to believe in their own religion, the right to be treated with humanity, the right to survive.

However, those who fight for 'Gay Rights' tend to be seen as fighting for no more that a right for sex and sexual activity.

Again, you must try and take yourself out of the 'battle' and look at the situation objectively, because under the gay umbrella, the fight for gay rights makes so much sense for so many. Actually, any group that wants something from another group, can make a case for their desire that make sense, as long as they stay within the group. But once they come outside the group, the 'argument' begins to make less sense.

From the outside looking in, the whole 'gay rights' battle is really nothing more that 'civil rights', or the right to be treated equally. Well, why shouldn't people expect to be treated just like anyone else? For many reasons..

First of all, we live in a 'civilized' society. Our society has basic morals and values that are adopted so that we can maintain to be 'civilized'. Without basic morals and values common among the population, each person or group will end up defining what 'basic' morals and values are for that group, and our 'civilized' society is gone. However, we do have our civil rights, so that each member of our society are treated equal, or at least that's the working concept.

Then there is the constitution. But I will skip the constitution, since this issue expands further than our American borders.

So what's the battle all about then, and why such resistance from the larger general public? What are people really fighting for?

Most really don't know. When you ask a person why they are for 'gay rights', all they can come up is so they are treated like everyone else, or so that they can get married. But we have to ask why this battle is still going on when we have 'civil rights' already as a people.

So what are people really fighting for?

It's all about sex and sexual activity. Our society just as most civilized society has most of it's morals and values tied to the restriction of sex in many capacities. At the same time, societies provide 'institutions' where sexual activity is promoted and deemed necessary and purposeful. One of these 'institutions' is the 'religions' institution of marriage.

From a very basic concept, marriage is designed to 'restrict' the sexual activity of individuals to one committed partner, and the production of offspring. We can attach all the bells and whistles to it, bring in religious scriptures from all faiths, but as far as a component of our society, the basic concept of marriage is very simple and straight forward.

However, the concept of 'Gay Rights' has not made it past the foundation of sex and sexual activity, and so it will continue to hit the same brick wall that the majority of our society sees as it's foundation or what keeps our society together.

But what about civil rights, and equality?
As long as a group of people or individuals, use sex and sexual activity as what 'defines' them as a group or individuals, they set themselves up to be rejected based on sex and sexual activity. So as long as a group or individuals continue to define themselves based on sexual activity or a lifestyle based specifically on sexual activity, there will always be majority resistance, as this contradicts the basic morals and values of civilizations throughout the world.

Why are so many people stuck in this never ending battle?
It seems to be their their own internal conflict. The 'gay' groups and their followers know that they are different. If that was not the case, there would be no need for the gay groups. However, in their effort to be seen as 'normal' to our society as a whole, the group must stand firm on the fact that there is nothing physically or mentally different about it's members, it's just that they have a same sex 'attraction'.

Now still committed to the concept that there is nothing mentally pr physically 'different' about the members of the group, they have recently and quietly added the 'Trans gender' members to the group.

But wait....wait..isn't there something mentally and physically 'different' about the trans gender members? Isn't there a documented medical 'condition' that these individuals are born with, that puts them in the 'transgender' sub-group?

And then there are the traditional full Intersex individuals. They have no conflict with identifying with their born gender duality condition. But the vast majority of the full Intersex individuals don't join the 'gay' groups. And they don't join the trans gendertrans gender sub-groups either. Why is that?

The answer seems clear...
The full Intersex group were able to free themselves from the 'gay' group, because they really had no choice but to accept their gender based condition. They could not help but accept it, because their Intersex condition was so extreme, and throughout their lives, they have had controversial and evasive surgery done to them. With 1 in every 2000 children born with a sever physical version of the condition, that they can't avoid the truth about their condition.

However, with the vast majority of those born with a more mental, or 'slightly' physical version of the condition, and the desire to be like everyone else makes the denial of their condition normal for most individuals with any condition.

But it's slightly, or as I refer to it as the low, medium and high levels of the Intersex condition, and it's denial, that seems to be at the root of so much conflict around 'being' gay and the desire for gay rights.

Now let's jump to a world where people never heard of the term 'gay'. Let's see what that might look like.

First, of all people with all levels of the Biologically Intersex/bisexual condition would be diagnosed as such. Or there would be more information available for people, so they understand their condition.

- There would be support groups for Biologically Intersex/bisexual people so they can get help dealing with the side effects and the battles that go on between the male and female aspects within their own mind and body. No longer would so many people be left to suffer from depression and self hate based on not understanding who they are.

- Mothers and fathers would understand how they are creating intersex children in the first place, so they can take very basic steps produce more gender single male and female children, and take more responsibility and care for the intersex children they bring into the world, so the child understand his duality in gender early on.

- Our society as a whole would understand the Biologically Intersex/bisexual condition more clearly, since most every family will have one or more Intersex people as a loved one.

- The concept of loving the same gender being a 'choice' would invalidate itself because being Intersex, a person is born mentally and or physically both genders.

- Having a more clear understanding of their duality of gender, Intersex people would be able to manage both aspects of their gender duality, and be able to maintain stable friendships and intimate relationships and marriage with the opposite gender or the same gender.

- Intersex people would then not have a need to feel their only option is to hide in a sub-group of our society, because this group would be a majority of our society, and no longer feel the need to buy into a lifestyle based on deception, sexual obsessing/addiction and body image obsession.

- Just like any individual in our society, Intersex people would find their purpose in our society, utilizing the skills and abilities only capable in Intersex people with a duality of gender.

Now come back to your reality.
Take a good honest look at the battle over 'gay rights and 'gay marriage'. Is the situation clearer for you now? Can you see the obvious conflict within the 'gay' community, that not only keeps people in denial, and from understanding who they really are and an opportunity for a more balanced life, but keeps them in conflict with themselves and with the rest of our society.

It's a loosing battle all the way around.

When it was never really about sex and sexuality at all.

It's really up to's your choice. It's your future.


  1. Hey man thanks for sending me that man. I read the whole thing it was long but it was very informative. I do understand the way your come from in that reading.

  2. I think that the article is very insightful and revealing.It may give someone a peek into themselves,and start the journey in self-actualization...

  3. It was an interesting read.
