You might be surprised to know that the gay umbrella is a hiding place for most anyone with any sexual difference, gender difference, dysfunction or disorder outside what's considered the norm in our society.
Initially the gay umbrella was a place for prostitutes, whores and those who felt they were sexually free. Hence the word 'gay', which still means happy, free, joyfully, etc.
Later more Biologically Intersex/bisexual people who felt disconnected from our norms of male and female, found that the gay umbrella was a place where their gender differences were not a point of rejection, but they were accepted based on being different.
As time went on and more intersex people based on gender and sexuality choices, choose to hide under the gay umbrella, sex and sexuality the identity of the group, even though not all participated as freely in sexual activity.
Today, the gay umbrella has become home for anyone with any type of Intersex/hermaphrodite condition, gender difference, gender confusion, sexuality difference, sexual obsession, sexual addiction, low self esteem issues, those rejected by the opposite sex for once reason or another, males with genitals too large for the comfort of most women, or too small to satisfy most women. Women who are unable to feel stimulate vaginally, or other vaginal issues, sexually abused, those with body image issues, the promiscuous, etc. There is a wide range if causes.
It's not that all people who hide under the gay umbrella fit all characteristics, and not all characteristics are a bad thing, but one or more tends to fit all that find a need to hide under the gay umbrella. There are millions of men and women hiding under the gay umbrella who live full, complete and respectful lives in our society.
Unfortunately, they are being weighed down by the group identifier of 'gay'. Many because they don't feel connected to the rest of society, so they hang on to the group identifier 'gay', even though that group identifier and the sex based activity of many in that group, is what continues to devalue their own self worth in the eyes of many in our society.
So it may be time to ask ourselves if it's healthy to try and group so many people, with so many different needs, under one umbrella, and treat them as if they are all the same? Does it make more sense to try and understand the reason's 'why' you have a need to hide under the gay umbrella, and deal directly with those issues?
Also, by attempting to 'accept' anyone with any and all types of sexual/gender issues without offering help for that person, is it doing more harm than good? The highest suicide rate, drug addiction rate and death from sexually transmitted diseases answerers that question for us.
The worst thing is that many people are conditioned or brainwashed to think 'gay' is who they are. And never realizing that it's a choice quite the same as being democrat, independent or a republican. Instead of really understanding who they are as an individual, the easy choice is to hide under the gay umbrella, and make that their identity.
So maybe it's time to evolve past a default 'group' identifier such as gay. Since no person is born gay, but only choose to hide under the gay umbrella. Maybe it's time for individuals to learn to be individuals, and not a gender, not a group of sexual activities, not a 'cause'. But an individual.
Here is a test: Ask someone you know that identifies as being 'gay' to tell you 'who' they are. Ig gay is their first answer, the rest will be a struggle. Then ask them to tell you who they are, without discussing sex and sexuality. Now ask yourself.....
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
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