The Internet is a wonderful tool. It helps to educate and expand knowledge and ideas around the world. However for many gay or Biologically Intersex/bisexual males, it has become their worst nightmare.
Before gay/intersex people used the Internet for commercial and personal porn and prostitution, the 'options' for males to degrade themselves in a large forum was minimal. They had to be published in a gay publication, or market themselves in gay clubs as they travel across the country.
Today, many gay/intersex males are enabled by the Internet, to expose and degrade themselves to a world wide audience at the click of a button. This ability to degrade themselves on the world wide web, has had a negative impact on the lives of many of the intersex males around the world.
Has the use of the Internet done more harm to gay/intersex males than they realize?
Intersex males being both mentally male and female already struggle with balancing both aspects of themselves, whether they understand what's happening or not.
With the massive flow of pornographic images of other intersex males, this has a much more negative impact on the intersex male, than it would a non-intersex male or female.
This is because the intersex male is both male and female, being both male and female, is challenged by images of males who are more masculine or muscular or more endowed than he is himself. However his female aspect begins to set her expectations of a masculine male based on those Internet images.
The result over time is that the male becomes more insecure about his own masculinity and body image. This is because his female aspect begins to reject his male aspect, and becomes attracted to the more visually masculine male image from Internet porn.
The male responds by an obsessive attempt to gain more 'simulated' masculinity through body image modification in gyms. This attempt to meet or exceed the body image desire of his female aspect is a never ending battle. Because as he continues to view the never ending stream of more masculine and more muscular or more endowed male images on the Internet, he continues to feel even more insecure and obsessed with achieving the image of greater masculinity.
This is why you see so many over muscular gay/intersex males in gyms all over the country and even the world, that are in competition with their own female aspects, and are still consistently rejected by the naturally more masculine males his female aspect is attracted to. Not understanding what's happening, these males reject males who are 'as' masculine as they are, with a blind obsession for the 'simulated' physical masculinity created by body image modification.
Their frustration turns anger, and then depression and defeat as many begin to justify their downward slide of their own morals and values, blaming it on the 'gay community' or that it's what they have to do to get attention from other gay/intersex males.
Relationship attempts fail consistently, since the 'attraction' to exaggerated masculinity and the obsession with body image, and body image modification becomes their foundation for a desired mate. Which never works short or long term.
So it seems that for most gay/intersex males, this all starts with Internet porn. Without Internet porn, he would not have the access to so many naked male bodies to create the exaggerated expectations tied to body image that put him so deep into conflict with his female aspect.
And sadly, the result is that no matter how respectable a gay or Biologically Intersex/bisexual person focus on being, once he focuses on 'being gay', he will be tied to the weakest link in hiding under the gay umbrella.
So what's been your experience?
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
I don't think that we can blame it all on the internet. I think that this can be blamed on us being men and just always thinking that there is something better out there. The internet just makes it seem easier to find that something better.
ReplyDeleteBut as I have found out, not everything people state on the internet is true.