Monday, February 2, 2009

If It's Not a Choice, Who's Making You Do It?

Have you noticed how it seems most committed gay and Biologically Bisexual males, are just going through the motions in their lives?

- They go through online profiles of other males, not looking for anything.

- They just met guys with nothing in common, just to have something to do.

- They are committed to being a term, and they don't even know what it means.

- They post naked images of themselves on websites that no one asked to see.

- They spend so much time trying to 'be' what a group told them to be, they don't even know who they are as individuals outside of the group.

- They masturbate with other guys because they are bored or lonely.

- They get high constantly so they don't have to think or feel anything.

- They have sex 'activity' with groups of guys because they are tired of pretending to be interested in one guy.

- They call themselves a term that means happy, but they are anything but that.

- They modify their physical appearance to gain attention, just any kind of attention.

- They are rejected by other males, so they degrade themselves sexually, which guarantees they will continue to be rejected.

- They try to see pain as pleasure, so they can feel something after years of constant masturbation.

- They have no life plan, because they haven't begun to live their life yet.

So there is the question:

If your lifestyle is not a 'choice'........then who's making you do it?????????

It's a New Day....Expand Your Mind In 2009!

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