A conversation I had with an older white 'out gay' male who said more than he intended.
In an attempt to justify his many years of promiscuous sexual behavior, he now felt that he would be a hypocrite if he entertained any views about himself, outside of what he has adopted as 'being' gay, or his chosen gay lifestyle, tied to sexual obsession/addiction.
This was very interesting. Because like many other males, he has become trapped under the gay umbrella, and it is only in his mind or based on the approval of the 'group' that he has joined, that keeps him there. He felt that if he changed his life, it would be a rejection of all that he has stood for or claimed to 'be' for so many years.
Gay, religion and gangs.
As mentioned in previous articles, it's very clear that the 'belief' in being gay and the 'belief' in many religions, and gang membership are very much alike.
- Each are committed to a 'concept' that has no basis, besides what other people told them about themselves and their world.
- Each are resistant to gain any knowledge outside of the very limited concepts that hold their perceived world together.
- When either group go to the extreme with their 'belief', they are the most unhappy and dysfunctional people you would ever want to meet.
- When any member tries to leave the group, they are attacked by members of that same group.
Why is this happening?
So what is it about the people of these two groups. Just maybe what's common among them is themselves, and not the group at all?
Individuals that are alone or lonely, or who don't feel part of the larger society, or who feel rejected by even those closest to them, tend to seek refuge in groups, clicks or gangs is you will.
The mentality is the same. Adopt a behavior or 'lifestyle' based on being unlike everyone else, which causes them to exaggerate their difference even more than they started. Which in turn has them even rejected by members of their own group in the end.
Either way, it's a failed plan, tied to an attempt to run from the unknown or what's not understood about themselves. And instead of seeking answers, they give up and crowd under the same umbrella as many other lonely, lost and rejected souls needing help, not cover.
Just because you call yourself gay, doesn't mean you are happy.
They can pretend they are happy all they want, but just look at their lives, and what their future holds for them. Do you see anything to be happy about?
The false concept of doing the best with what they have, is only trying to carry a snowball in your hands, in the summertime. You can't advance by doing the same thing and getting the same results and just existing. Unless that's all your life is to be about.
Choosing to be whores(unpaid), and prostitutes(paid), tends to be the resulting life. Many try to justify this by attempting to compare their actions with those non-gay men and women, who are also rejected based on their sex based lifestyles. Some how in their logic, it's OK to be a whore or prostitute, if someone else is doing it also. This is where you play back the story your mother told you about jumping off a bridge if your friend did it.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
What so many males have not understood is that if they would only begin to seek knowledge about how they were born, about their attraction for the same sex, along with an attraction for the opposite sex.
If they would ask themselves more questions as to:
- Why and how he became 'more' attracted to the same gender over time?
- Why is it that they are really only attracted to males more masculine
- Why is it that is really only attracted to males more muscular than himself?
- Why is it that the more masculine, more muscular males are never really attracted to him...or not for long?
- Why can't he build lasting friendships with males without having to masturbate with them
- Why does he avoid thinking about his future, his 40s, 50s, 60s...
And maybe the most important question of all would be:
If his current lifestyle was not his choice, then who's making him do it?
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
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