Have you realized yet that the more you masturbate, the more you 'feel' attracted to other males?
Most males who 'feel' attracted to other males they 'admire', have no clue that they are only 'sexually' attracted based on their consistent masturbation to those 'admired' attributes of another male.
The most confused are those who feel they were 'born' sexually attracted to other males. Never realizing that before puberty, humans do not have a sexual attraction to anything. Remember: puberty brings the hormones that drive sexual attraction.
But it is interesting what a person is willing to believe, as a means to justify their 'addiction'.
Yes, addiction. Most males only 'choose' to 'be' gay, because they have become addicted to masturbating to 'characteristics' of other males they admire.
The sad part is that those males with 'admired' male characteristics will not 'admire' him in return. This is because the other 'gay' male is doing the exact same thing.
Trying to 'upgrade'.
So the next time you are rejected by another male, and you want to blame the rejection on 'his' problem, him not knowing what he wants, him being obsessed with bodies, him playing games, etc, it's just that he is doing exactly the same thing you are doing.
Trying to 'upgrade'.
If you don't think this is true, just try to go 10 days without masturbation, gay porn videos and on the web, in magazines, and avoid the gym.
What you will find is that the less you masturbate, the less your 'manual' sexual attraction will be. But if you are content with hiding under the gay umbrella, just continue masturbating.
An addiction is not an easy thing to overcome, no matter what you might be addicted to.
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
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