Friday, February 26, 2010

The Gay Brand

Being different in our world can be difficult. We all reject people based on race, age, height, weight, looks, religion, neighborhood, politics and even personal style. But one group is rejected by people across all categories. It's the Gay Group.

From a marketing perspective, the Gay Group creates quite a bit of negative press. Very much like the tobacco industry. No matter how much good they try and do, and how many try and prove to be 'different' than the rest of the group, they are all judged and rejected based on the common impression of the group.

When you think McDonald's, you think hamburgers and french fries. When you think Tide, you think laundry detergent and clean clothes. But when most people think Gay, they think sex, sexual obsession, sexual activity and body image obsession. Not such good representations of the Gay brand.

Unfortunately, this brand identity has been earned by the many people that choose to hide under the gay umbrella, because they know that any type of sexual activity is 'tolerated'. Even through there are millions of men and women who belong to the Gay brand that are normal and respectable members of our society, it may be the concept of 'non-judgment' or 'tolerance' for anyone and all sexual activity, that has damaged the brand.

Maybe just as our society has basic morals and values that we are asked to follow, the idea the hiding under the gay umbrella, excludes a person from those same basic morals and values, and the focus on the core group to 'tolerate' the rejection of those basic morals and values, is what further damages the gay brand.

So could it be that the rejection of those attached to the gay brand, including same sex marriage, is only a result of the public perception of the Gay Brand.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are Gays and the Religious Really More Alike Than Different?

When you think about it, it seems that those who choose to hide under the gay umbrella, are really more like those who choose 'extreme' religious beliefs, which could be why they are in a constant battle.

Both have their beliefs based on non-factual information tied to what someone else told them, or what the group told them to believe about who they are, where they came from, and their purpose in life.

Both must reject their real world experiences, and hang on to 'group' beliefs that have a negative impact on their personal life, their family and their future, while in the 'group' pretending that they are happy.

Both must stay within their small 'group' of those that have that same belief system, and think like them, to maintain their belief system about themselves and the world, so that their life choices are validated.

Both believe that 'their' belief system is right, while the rest of society is wrong for not accepting their 'group' beliefs as normal.

Both must consistently, passionately and even violently reject scientific facts, and anyone who presents those facts that contradict their chosen beliefs about themselves as individuals, in order to hold on to their chosen 'group' beliefs.

Could it be that the conflict between the 'extreme' religious and the 'extreme' gays is based on the fact that each group is trying to validate their own false beliefs about who they are, by rejecting others who have not made that same 'choice'.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Few Facts You Forgot On The Way To Becoming Gay

In the process and excitement of becoming 'gay', many people, young and old tend to forget a few basic facts. Unfortunately forgetting the basics, tend to lead them down roads they never wanted to travel, take risks they never expected, and lead lives they never intended.

Let's start with just a few basic facts:

- No living being is born 'gay'. Gay is only a group identifier for a wide range of people only based on sex and gender differences outside the norm.

- No living being can be 'homosexual' or 'heterosexual'. These are only definitions of 'types' of sexual 'activity' a being, male, female, or animal can have.

- Living beings are born male, female and Intersex/bisexual.

- A person can 'choose' to have heterosexual type sex one day, and homosexual type sex the next. It's always a choice.

- A person can 'choose' to have heterosexual type sex for 20 years, homosexual sex for a year, then heterosexual type sex for another 30 years.

- A person can have 'choose' to never have homosexual type sex but only heterosexual type sex.

- Or they can 'choose' to never have heterosexual type sex, but only homosexual type sex.

- All beings are to a degree mentally Intersex since all males start as females and all females receive testosterone from the mother.

- All beings to some degree biologically bisexual. It's just that for most of us, our dominate male or female aspect thats more balanced with our physical gender keeps our natural attraction toward the opposite sex.

So when you look at the facts, the road to 'being' gay is not that straight. So now just ask yourself, how many back roads and dark alleys have you had to travel, to end up choosing to 'be' gay?

Give it some thought.