Friday, August 28, 2009


Are you finally ready to stop the never ending cycle of masturbating to the more masculine, more muscular attributes of other males you wished you had in yourself. And when it becomes an obsession, you end up calling it your 'lifestyle'??

Here are the 3 Basic Steps to help you get your life back, starting in Only 30 Days.


Most males who 'think' they were always sexually attracted to other males, don't realize following basic biological facts:

- Males have no sexual 'attraction' until puberty.

- All males are 'attracted' to other male 'attributes' as children that they wished they had, and want when they grow up.

- At puberty, when the male starts to masturbate to the 'admired' male attributes, he creates a manual sexual 'bond' with those attributes.

- That manual sexual 'bond' must be maintained by a constant stream of porn(admired male attributes of masculinity, body image and penis size)

- Avoid your previous masturbation buddies during this time also. Very much like a drug addict must avoid other users if he wants to quit.

Solution: All males are naturally sexually attracted to females, no matter how deep it's overshadowed by his masturbation to admired male attributes. If you need to masturbation, masturbate to an admired female image.

- Better yet, have sex with females, your girlfriend or wife if you want to have sex.


You must avoid all Porn in magazines, on the web, gay web sites, in video.

- Images of male 'attributes' you admire serve to lower your own self esteem about your masculinity, body image and penis size.

- Whether it's male/female porn or same gender porn. The negative impact on the male is the same.

- Trying to 'compare' and 'compete' with porn stars only sets an unrealistic expectation of himself, and lowers his self esteem.

- Porn is also 'required' to maintain your manual sexual 'bond' with the admired male attributes.

Solution: Focus on other aspects of your life such as your hobbies and sports. If you don't have any hobbies, try new things, since porn and masturbation may have taken away the time you would have had for developing hobbies.

3. NO GYM:

You must avoid the gym which is only a 'tool' that enables males to continue his obsession for the body image used for masturbation.

- Your 'attraction' for another male is only because you want his body image. However, no matter how much you try to create that body image in yourself, there will always be another body image you admire more. So this cycle will never end.

- The gyms know this. Have you asked yourself why you must continue any 'gym' workout every 3 days or you loose all of the benefit??

- It's never about wellness, only a body image obsession, with becomes Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Solution: Take up martial arts which is focused on overall wellness, instead of a body image obsession. Learn to develop aspects of yourself so that you won't feel the need to seek an 'upgrade' in another male, which you can never have.


What you will find is that the less porn you view, the less time you spend in a gym, and the less you masturbate to the attributes of other males, the less you find yourself 'attracted' to those attributes.

This happens because you are beginning to transfer the 'habits' tied to your obsession with the attributes of other males, to 'habits' relating to activities you enjoy on a daily basis.

- You begin to understand that your natural organic sexuality should not require the maintenance via masturbation and porn.

- Your self esteem begins to come back into balance, as you are no longer 'measuring' yourself physically and sexually against other males with body image obsessions, or porn stars hired for the purpose of entertainment.

- You are able to regain your self respect that you had to fake for so long by hiding under the gay umbrella, pretending that your actions were OK and the problem was with everyone else.

- You no longer need to lie to your family, your girlfriend or your wife about masturbating with other males.

- You no longer need to feel guilty about 'thinking' about masturbating with other males, and cheating on your girlfriend or wife.


After you go through being angry that someone pointed out the obvious truth that you have been ignoring, or after you are done laughing at once again, someone is offering a cure for how you think you were born..........give it a try.

- If you fall off the wagon, start over from day 1. You must go 30 days in a row following each of the three steps.

Side Effects:
There are a few side effects of this program.

1. Your friends committed to 'being gay' will resent you, because they will see you as 'rejecting' them, since you are not choosing to be one of them. So avoid telling them you are testing.

2. Your interests will change from constant conversations about 'being' gay, 'gay' things, 'gay' lifestyles, 'gay' failed relationship attempts, and who's gay in the media to what you want out of life, and your interests not associated with sex and sexuality.

3. You will begin to see your life options become more expanded. The 'restriction' based on being 'committed' to a lifestyle based on homosexual sexual activity has less appeal.

4. You become free to make friends with males and females based on common interest and not based only on sexuality.

5. You are now able to look a potential mates not only based on 'gender', or what you wished you were, but based on the individual.

6. Your relationship or marriage with your wife becomes less stressful because you no longer have a big secret to hide..

7. Your marriage becomes stronger because you are no longer deceiving your wife in mind or actions.

Give yourself a chance. It won't cost you anything.

Go ahead...see what happens...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Do you really know what your Organic Sexual Attraction really is?

Most males have no understanding of the difference between 'sexual attraction' and basic 'attraction'. Males are 'attracted' to anything they desire for themselves. The huge flat panel TV, the nice stereo system, the fast car, feminine female body, flashy clothing, big homes, Masculinity and a more muscular and stronger male body.

None of these items/attributes naturally have any sexual attraction for him. It's only when he begins to 'masturbate' to the admired images does he create a manual sexual 'bond' with those 'images.

The human and animal male sexual attraction for females is chemical in nature. The physical body is only an 'attraction' just like anything else, but it's the chemical reaction that creates the sexual attraction for females. The later sexual bond he creates with the female body only occurs when the physical body attraction is bonded with the very powerful pleasure of masturbation and orgasm.

However, males who feel attracted to other male 'attributes' are a bit different. There is no chemical reaction or connection with the other male. But it's ONLY a manual bond created through masturbating to the 'admired' male attributes. For many males, this starts at puberty.

This is why most males will always be sexually attracted to females, but will feel 'more' sexually attracted to males with 'admired' attributes of masculinity and muscular body image.


Because since puberty, he has not been able to establish his natural and organic sexuality. Through masturbation, he has consistently distorted his sexual attraction with masturbation to 'admired' male attributes he wished he had in himself.

The longer he masturbates to those admired attributes, the stronger the 'bond' he will create for those male attributes, and the more distorted his natural chemical sexual attraction will be for females.

The required use of all types of porn, naked male admired images, and the gym where over 90% of the males there are suffering from the same sexual dysfunction. Obsessed with trying to obtain the more masculine body image of another male in the gym, a magazine or on TV.

They go home and masturbation to their pumped up body image before it deflates, thinking they are attracted to other males. If they are unsuccessful in building their body into the admired image, they will naked male images and porn to masturbate to.

The reality is that they have only created a sexual bond with the male 'attributes' they admire of other males, that they wished they had in themselves.

Many males have been masturbating exclusively to admired male attributes all their lives and have never given himself an opportunity to experience his Organic Sexuality.

Most of these males end up choosing to 'be' gay and create a life and lifestyle based on a never ending cycle of porn and masturbation.

It takes daily maintenance to maintain a sexual bond with admired attributes. If that was not the case, there would be no need to masturbate on a daily basis and use props, or magazines and videos to become aroused.


Test yourself:
- Try to stop masturbating for 10 -20 - 30 days.
- Stay away from all porn on TV, magazines and on the Internet.
- Stay away from the gym where you are surrounded by other males stuck masturbating to create a sexuality.

What you will find is that your manual sexual 'bond' you currently have with admired male attributes will begin to fade. It will be confusing at first, because you are so conditioned to masturbating a a certain time each day.

So find another habit. Go walking, go running, do push-ups, in a very short time your new habit will begin to replace your old masturbation habit. Soon you will be able to go 2 or 5 days without a problem.

Remember, the addiction to masturbation is just alike any other addiction. Very similar to drug addiction, where there is withdrawal. Many males think they are just horny. That's not the case, as you will see by the 10th day.

So before you 'commit' to BEING a sexuality, how about first learning what your Organic Sexuality is.

You are guaranteed to surprise yourself.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sexual Confusion.....Simulating Sexual Attraction

Could it be that the many males who feel 'sexually' attracted to other males are just 'confused' about what sexual attraction actually is?

Admiring another persons 'attributes' is not sexual attraction. However a person can masturbate to those attributes and create a 'manual' simulated sexual attraction for those 'attributes'.

How do you know when you are 'simulating' sexual attraction?

1. You realize that you must make available to you a variety of 'images' of that 'attribute' so that you can become sexually aroused.

2. You realize that you must have available to you a variety of 'images' of that 'attribute' to use for masturbation to release sexual energy.

3. You realize that the only available sexual activity is masturbation, either self stimulation, with the aide of another persons body parts not a sexual organ, or against or inside another person body but not a sexual organ.

However, what he will find is that once he stops masturbating to admired images of 'attributes' he wished he had for or of himself, his simulated sexual 'attraction' for those 'attributes' also diminishes.

What's left for him to do now is to face and overcome his issues of low self esteem that put him in fear of:

- the responsibility of earning the trust of a female,
- the responsibility of a 'commitment' to another person for a lifetime
- the responsibility for raising children and the life long commitment to them

Unfortunately, so many weak minded males choose to hide behind their own fears, cluster in a group of like minded males who are traveling down the same road. Masturbating to male 'attributes' they wished were theirs, and being rejected consistently by their 'attributes' of desire.

Eventually they realize that it's never about a person but only attributes they wished were their own. Which they can never have. These are the males at one point or another, finally realize that the 'choice' to 'be gay' or be their sexual confusion issues was not the best choice to make for their lives.

Others, who have degraded themselves to much for so long, may feel stuck in that lifestyle concept, since the option to earn the respect from anyone 'not' participating in the same sex based behavior is all but nonexistent. The result is their 'role' becomes one of 'convincing' other younger males or other males who are suffering from their own sexual confusion, to follow in their foot steps. Not because it's the best option for them, but because misery loves company.

It's a very sad situation.

Many state their choice is not their own, but if that's the case, who is making them do it???

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gay Purpose????

Could it be that many of the problems male shave when choosing to be gay, is that there is no live purpose connected with that choice?

Think about it, once you choose to be gay, you loose many expectations of you as a male in our society:

1. No expectation of marriage

2. No expectation of children

3. No expectation of a family

What this creates for many males who choose a gay lifestyle, is trying to justify their life. However, what he finds as his biggest challenge is connecting with another male for a 'relationship'.

Why is this? It could be because there is no 'purpose' for the relationship. Since the two males cannot crate growth from the union naturally, there is little focus on creating the union in the first place. So many males get stuck in the never ending quest for a male to be in a relationship with.

Many think of the idea to adopt which is fine. However, finding another male who wants to commit to a relationship with him, AND wants to adopt a child will be his biggest challenge. This is also where the 'relationship' ends.

So this all goes back to 'purpose'. Just as in any situation, there must be a purpose and growth connected to any 'commitment' we make in our lives, or we no longer have a desire to commit.

So before you 'choose' to live a gay lifestyle, you may want to honestly think about what you really want your life experience to be. Do you choose sex and sexual activity, or choose commitment, growth and family?

Then think about if you really want to 'restrict' who you are 'able' to love, based on the person having the same gender as yourself. It could be that your soul mate is not dictated by gender, but by the individual person, no matter what gender.

So before you choose to 'commit' to a gender, you might want to wait and commit to an individual, who actually wants to commit to you.

It's all about purpose and growth.

A Gay, is Not A Gay, Is Not A Gay...

So have you been convinced by the media marketing of the 'gay' group that all males who feel attracted to another male are all the same?

Well think again. There is a reason for this push, and it's tied to the males who want you to believe their hype.

Males that tend to belong or get pushed under the gay umbrella fall into 3 basic categories:

1. Intersex males born less masculine than the average male, who is attracted to the masculinity of other males more masculine than himself. The downside to this is that, the other more masculine male may be doing the exact same thing. Both trying to upgrade their masculinity, and rejecting who is attracted to them, and being rejected by the males they feel attracted to.

2. Normal males who start masturbating to males they admire at puberty, who create a manual sexual attraction to other male 'attributes' they wished they had in themselves(masculinity, muscular body, self confidence, penis size, taller, shorter, better body image, etc). And now he must consistently masturbate to 'admired' male attributes to maintain a sexual attraction to another male.

3. Sexually dysfunctional males who become whores and prostitutes either because they are unable to earn or main taint the trust of a female and resorts to either using other 'gay' males for a sexual outlet, offering themselves to be used by other sexually dysfunctional males for their sexual outlet.

Understanding this, don't you wonder why a person would 'choose' to hide under the gay umbrella, instead of seeking ways to resolve their issues. The side effect of all three categories is an inability for the male to obtain and maintain lasting and trusting friendships and or relationships with either other males or females.

So just maybe instead 'choosing' to BE your dysfunction driven by and controlled by sexual behavior, but 'choosing' to be a whole person who has the potential to earn the respect of others, so friendships and personal relationships are an option.

Something to think about.....

Sunday, March 8, 2009


There is much confusion around sexuality, sexual activity, sexual preference and gay. Most males don't know or understand the differences, and many tend to lump them all together.

This posting is to help males gain a better understanding of the four concepts.

Sexuality: This is the combination of your sexual preferences and sexual activity.

Sexual Activity: Just as the name implies, this is only chosen sexual activity.

Sexual Preference: This is only the 'preferred' sexual activity chosen by an individual. This does not exclude any type of sexual activity of the person, but only relates to the preference. For instance, a person could prefer mashed potatoes, but will eat carrots from time to time. Mashed potatoes is the preference, but the person is not restricted to only eating mashed potatoes.

Gay: This relates to an individual that has voluntarily 'chosen' to limit or restrict his 'sexual activity' ONLY to his chosen 'sexual preference'. In the case of mashed potatoes and carrots, this person is restricting himself to only having mashed potatoes without the option of ever having carrots. It's not that he does not like carrots, but he chooses not to eat them.

Very simply, what this points out is that most of the conversation about sex and sexuality in our media, is not based on basic factual information about sex and sexuality. The rigid and restrictive concepts connected to the term gay, has turned into the shackle that binds men and women to a lifestyle that 'restricts' their ability to find friendships, love and their soul mates, because the 'option' for that friend or soul mate is now 'restricted' based on gender, and not based on the individual.

It's time to Re-Think what you choose to believe about yourself.

It's A New Day!

Saturday, March 7, 2009



Do you think you are gay?
Do you think you were born with a sexual attraction for other males?
Do you think you don't have the ability to have an attraction for females?

Here a test you can do with yourself, so you are sure if your 'attraction' for other males is natural, or manual due to excessive masturbation to male attributes you admire in other males, but wish you had in yourself.

Before you 'choose' to live a life based on sexual attraction, don't you think it's worth spending 30 days to make sure you are making the right decision?

Follow The Steps Below For At Least 30 Days:

No masturbating to other desired male images, body parts, etc. If you must masturbate, do so to female images.

The more you try to obtain the 'admired' body parts of another male, the more you confuse sexual attraction with simple admiration. And the harder it will be for you not to masturbate to those 'admired' body parts of another male.

No online gay chat, no online gay porn, no men's fitness or workout magazines or online sources. This is a major source of masturbation images males use to maintain their sexual bond with admired male attributes.

No interaction with your previous masturbation buddies or masturbation options. Just like breaking any habit, obsession or addiction, avoiding your link to that behavior is a primary step toward recovery.

Avoid the many media messages that tell you that you are gay, or that 'gay' is an option for you. Very much like brainwashing, the prodding by media interests for you to 'choose' to be gay is very powerful as they need to recruit more members to validate their own existence.

Make a point to actively participate in your hobbies and learn more about your interests. Educate yourself or pay sports you enjoy. Make new friends with other males and females, not based on sexual preference, but based on common interests.

Follow these steps honestly and completely for at least 30 days. Only you know if you are bring honest with yourself.

For many the sexual obsession created through consistent masturbation is like a drug addition and requires a period of detox. The longer you have been masturbating to maintain your manual sexual bond with other male attributes, the more difficult it may be for you to experience living without masturbation.

Before you let 'others' tell you or 'convince' you to join the 'gay' group, or commit to limit your emotional relationships based on a gender, and not based on an individual person, you may want to give yourself a chance to really be clear on the live you are choosing to live.

Good Luck!

Monday, March 2, 2009

7 Rules for Male Same Gender Relationships.

Still challenged with finding love in your life?

Below are the basic 7 Rules for same gender relationships:

1. If your attraction for another male is based on physical attributes or masculinity you feel laking in yourself, he won't be looking for you.

2. If you choose to have sex with more than 3 people a year, you won't be trusted.

3. If you do not have respectable interests unrelated to sex in common, you will only be together until after you have sex.

4. If you do not focus on 'earning' his respect, you will never obtain his respect.

5. If porn or your working out in a gym is a part of your daily life, you will never be happy with one person.

6. If you try to justify your sexually dysfunctional behavior by using heterosexuals with similar dysfunctional behavior, you are only creating a foundation for failure.

7. If you cannot develop a lasting friendship without sexual activity, you will have no option for a relationship with sexual activity.

As you can see, the basis behind a 'gay' lifestyle is exactly what will restrict you from obtaining a stable, respectable friendship or relationship with another male.

Once you stop trying to 'be' gay, only then can you focus on 'being' a whole respectable person, that another male might see as a viable option.

It's your choice.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can't stop masturbating?

Have you realized yet that the more you masturbate, the more you 'feel' attracted to other males?

Most males who 'feel' attracted to other males they 'admire', have no clue that they are only 'sexually' attracted based on their consistent masturbation to those 'admired' attributes of another male.

The most confused are those who feel they were 'born' sexually attracted to other males. Never realizing that before puberty, humans do not have a sexual attraction to anything. Remember: puberty brings the hormones that drive sexual attraction.

But it is interesting what a person is willing to believe, as a means to justify their 'addiction'.

Yes, addiction. Most males only 'choose' to 'be' gay, because they have become addicted to masturbating to 'characteristics' of other males they admire.

The sad part is that those males with 'admired' male characteristics will not 'admire' him in return. This is because the other 'gay' male is doing the exact same thing.

Trying to 'upgrade'.

So the next time you are rejected by another male, and you want to blame the rejection on 'his' problem, him not knowing what he wants, him being obsessed with bodies, him playing games, etc, it's just that he is doing exactly the same thing you are doing.

Trying to 'upgrade'.

If you don't think this is true, just try to go 10 days without masturbation, gay porn videos and on the web, in magazines, and avoid the gym.

What you will find is that the less you masturbate, the less your 'manual' sexual attraction will be. But if you are content with hiding under the gay umbrella, just continue masturbating.

An addiction is not an easy thing to overcome, no matter what you might be addicted to.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Trapped under the gay umbrella?

It's interesting how illogical so many men are when it comes to sexuality and sexual activity. It's as of they have no clue about who they are as males, or any factual knowledge about male sexuality. Which is why they end up controlled by the 'side effects' of their own behavior.

Here are a few facts to get you thinking:

Males are able to be attracted to and have sex with both males and females.

Over 87% of males admit to being attracted to both males and females.

Over 60% of males admit to having some sort of sexual activity with both males and females.

Over 75% of married males admit to being attracted to both males and females, along with having sexual activity with males and females at different times in their lives.

These males also have the 'option' and ability to establish relationships with a male or female based on common interest, respect and trust.

However, when a male 'chooses' to BE Gay, he 'restricts' his options for relationships to only other males.

Choosing to BE Gay, he no longer has the 'option' for sexual intercourse, but only masturbation with, on, against or inside another male for the rest of his life.

Choosing to BE Gay, his 'attraction' for other males is primarily tied to his 'desire' for body parts, masculinity and attributes of another male, he 'wished' he had in himself.

Choosing to BE Gay, his desire for his 'admired' male only has him rejected, because that other 'gay' males is doing exactly the same thing.

Choosing to BE Gay, he is left to simulating relationships, simulating intercourse, simulating friendships and choosing to live a lifestyle based on sexual desire and sexual activity.

So with so many males complain about how 'difficult' it is to BE Gay, why do they do it to themselves??

Could it be that it's only his consistent masturbation to images of the 'desired' males has the same impact of a drug addict?

Could it be that just like the drug addict, he can't see how he is creating his own exaggerated obsession for males not like himself?

Could it be that he has been stuck in this never ending cycle for so long, it's all he knows?

Could it be that he knows that he has done so much to degrade himself sexually for so many years, that he feels trapped in his chosen lifestyle?

Could it be that just like over 87% of males, he has a 'choice' as to who he has sex with?

Could it be that his 'choice' to BE Gay, is exactly what keeps him from being who he really is?

Could it be that the longer he 'chooses' to BE Gay, or blame 'Gay' for his obsession with masturbation, his sexual activity, his obsession with more masculine, more muscular, more confident males, the harder it will be for him to 'detox', so he has the opportunity to find who he really is?

Could it be that his choice to buy into the marketing of the 'gay brand' is why he is trying to create a lifestyle out of sex and sexual activity?

Could it be that he is not 'trapped' under the gay umbrella?

Could this be you?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rejected and don't know why?

Society does not reject you because you are attracted to the same gender

Your family does not reject you because you are attracted to the same gender

Other males do not reject you because you are attracted to the same gender

They reject you because you 'choose' not to earn respect from Society

They reject you because you 'choose' not to earn respect from they family

They reject you because you 'choose' not to earn respect from other males

They reject you because you 'choose' to create a life based on sexuality

They reject you because you 'choose' to create a life based on sexual orientation

They reject you because you 'choose' to create a life based on sexual activity

They reject you because you 'choose' to create a life based on 'Being Gay'

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Have you noticed how the more feminine males are obsessed with 'attaching' the gay label on the males who are attracted to other males?

Could it be that the more feminine males are only trying deal with their own insecurity about their femininity by attempting to attach themselves to the more masculine males they wished they were, and who are more accepted in our society.

Could it be that the natural conflict between the masculine bisexual male, and the feminine bisexual male is that they both naturally are naturally attracted to more masculinity.

- The more feminine male seeks a male who is more masculine than himself.

- The more masculine male seeks a male who is more masculine than himself.

The result is:
(A): The more feminine male will join the gay group and constantly frustrate himself by obsessing over the more masculine male who will never be attracted to him.

(B): The more masculine male will constantly focus on distancing himself from the more feminine males and anything associated with the feminine male's gay group.

1. Realize that trying to create a lifestyle or identity based on sexual attraction, sexuality and sexual activity will NEVER work out.

2. Feminine males should stop masturbating to more masculine males who will NEVER be attracted to them, so that they are able to build a natural attraction to other feminine males like themselves. If they don't want someone like themselves, why do they expect someone else to.

3. Masculine males should stop masturbating to more masculine males and body parts they desire for themselves, so they can stop trying to 'upgrade' their masculinity and body image, so that they are able to maintain an attraction to another male like themselves.

4. Understand that no type of 'relationship' whether it's a friendship or intimate relationship can have a chance, if it's not based on 'earned' respect of both parties.

5. Understand that no type of 'friendship' can have a chance if both parties only have sex and sexuality in common.

6. Understand that no intimate relationship can have a chance if it doesn't start with a respectful and trusting friendship.

No matter how many movies and television shows provide the 'image' of the more masculine male who is attracted to the feminine male, understand that it's television, make believe, not reality.

No matter how much you want it not to be true, if you do not show respect for yourself, and if you are not able to earn respect of the other male, he will not want you in his life.

If you do not focus on building yourself into a 'whole' person with morals, values, thoughts and ideas, no one will have a purpose to be with you long term. Period.

The more you 'try' to be an individual or 'yourself' the more you are 'trying' to be a stereotype.

If you try to create a lifestyle or identity out of 'being gay', you are only setting yourself up for failure because there will always be another male more attractive, more masculine you will be attracted to, who will reject you.

And your 'choice' to live a lifestyle based on sexual desire and activity is the only reason you will be rejected by your family and our society.

If you let the 'marketing' of the 'gay brand' create an identity for you, you will only end up trying to 'be' a shell of a person trying to be a stereotype.

By not understanding your biological birth, you only set yourself up to be 'blamed' for your birth when you had nothing to do with it. However, you have everything to do with the 'choice' if you choose to create a lifestyle or identity based on sexual attraction and sexual activity...being gay.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Afraid To Be.....Not Gay?

You would be surprised at the number of males who 'choose' to be gay, just because they were too scared or never learned how to approach females at an early age.

Every day thousands of boys as they reach puberty are confused about the raging hormones and the complexity of females. With many of the young males not either having a male to guide them, or being afraid to communicate his fear of the opposite sex, he puts his focus on what he is 'comfortable' with. Other males he admire.

His mistake is thinking that any other male early on was ever confident with females at a young age. All males go through the frustrating and awkward period of trial and error, and rejection before he gained his confidence in dealing with the opposite sex.

It all starts with masturbation..
However, if the male gives up too quickly, and with is hormones raging, any amount of nakedness or physical contact will be seen as sexual. School showers often times are the catalyst for many adolescent boys obsession with masturbating to those 'admired' and desired body parts he wished he had of those other more confident males. And through his consistent masturbation, he creates a 'manual' sexual bond with the other male body parts or characteristic, that must be maintained with consistent masturbation.

Understand, that for this male, it's never going to be about the male or individual. Only the characteristics or body parts that he admires or 'wishes' he had for himself. This is why his countless attempts at boyfriends and 'relationships' fail so consistently. The characteristics or body parts he desires are very rarely ever looking for his characteristics or body parts.

Even though he remembers back when he 'used' to be sexually attracted to females, he is confident that his sexual attraction for males is stronger, so he 'must' be gay.

Overshadowed natural sexual attraction:
But what he doesn't realize is that his consistent masturbation to those admired characteristics and body parts of other males, is what begins to overshadow his natural sexual attraction for females. The result is that he is sure that he still sees females as 'attractive' but he is not 'sexually' attracted to them.

Also, due to his exaggerated manual sexual bond with other male characteristics and body parts, the females that he is attracted to must be exaggerated in femininity also.

Exaggerated Femininity:
This is why so many 'gay' males are obsessed with female actresses and singers who are 'over the top' with glamor and femininity. From Diana Ross to Madonna, or really any female who in costume and performance, presents an 'exaggerated' expression of femininity, these males will find themselves obsessed or highly attracted to them, but they won't attach sexuality to the attraction.

This is because their natural sexual attraction for females is being overshadowed or covered up, by his manual sexual 'bond' he continues to create by masturbating to male characteristics and body parts that he 'wishes' were his own. But he is still attracted, but does not quite understand why.

And for most of these males, it all started with either being afraid of females and what he is supposed to do, or being rejected as a young boy by females, and that rejection mentally scared him to the point where he never wanted to go through that rejection again.

The Result:
So what does he choose to do...he hides under the gay umbrella, continuing to masturbate to the male characteristics or body parts of males he wishes were his, but can never be. He spends countless hours in gyms all over the country trying desperately to obtain the body parts of another male he admires from a magazine, movie, TV show, in public or in the gym itself.

Or he goes the opposite route, and tries to simulate a female in the attempt to attract the more masculine males that are naturally attracted to female. The sad part about this concept is that if the male was actively sexually attracted to females, he would seek the actual female.

It's all about marketing:
Marketing professionals know this is happening, so they market heavily to this group of 'gay' males, offering them gym memberships, weight gain pills, powders and liquids, sexual enhancement drugs and machines, exercise machines to use at home and lots and lots of porn so that the 'gay' male has a steady stream of body parts to admire and desire for himself, which keeps him coming back for more.

Don't think this is about you?
Well, just try and be honest and ask yourself a few questions:

1. Did you used to be attracted to females, but you just feel more attracted to males?

2. Did you never have sex with a female but have masturbated with another male, so that must mean you are 'gay'?

3. You know you are sexually attracted to females and males, but you choose to masturbate with males because it wouldn't be fair to the female?

4. Did you just give up and decide that 'gay' was who you were, so you never have to admit being afraid of females or rejected by them?

5. Do you really feel that you are 'rejecting' other people that choose to 'be' gay, because you are trying to understand who you really are?

6. Could it be that fear is what has you trying to 'be' gay in the first place?

7. Is masturbating to other male characteristics and body parts, or trying to simulate sexual intercourse or a 'relationship' really working out for you?

Take the Challenge:
It's just you and a computer screen. So you don't have to lie to yourself anymore. So give yourself a chance to at least try and understand what happened. Take the 10 Day Sex Detox Challenge. Go for 10 days without the gym, porn of any type, fitness magazines, gay friends, masturbation, sex buddies, gay clubs, gay events, etc.

Go for 10 days, keep a journal of how you feel about yourself, your current lifestyle, your current future and notice how your perceptions begin to change as you make it past the 5th day. You will get bored, since you have spent so much time working at being gay. But this is a great time to figure out what your real hobbies and interests are and participate in them.

This is not rocket science. I actually takes effort to maintain a manual sexual 'bond', so when you stop working at it, things naturally fall back into place.

Give yourself a chance.

It's a New Day! Expand your Mind in 2009!

Monday, February 9, 2009



Have you figured out yet that what you tell yourself that you are looking for in another male, is the opposite of what you are actually looking for?

Not realizing that you are in a constant state of trying to upgrade your masculinity, body image and self esteem, you tell yourself what you want to believe about yourself, but your actions are clearly targeted at the attempt to 'upgrade'.

Most guys will agree, but only for 'other' guys but not themselves. Still in denial about their own actions, which has them stuck in the same never ending cycle.

Does this sound familiar?

Not looking for a male more masculine than I am, but not looking for anyone less masculine.

Not looking for a male more muscular than I am ,but not looking for anyone less muscular, average, overweight or skinny.

Not looking for a male with a larger/harder penis than I have, but not looking for anyone with a smaller, softer penis.

Not looking for male who is into 3somes and group sex or a sex buddy, but not looking for anyone I don't want to have sex with.

So do you still wonder why it's so hard to make real friends, or find a mate?

Just maybe when you realize that trying to 'be' gay is only an attempt to hide from the fact that you don't understand why you may have been born biologically bisexual and naturally attracted to other males, or how obsessive masturbating to other males you 'admire' has created a manual sexual bond with those body parts that you wished where your own.

Even if out of desperation you try to 'date' other males of many other body types, shapes and sizes, you will still end up masturbating to males more masculine, more muscular, with a larger or harder penis or who is more confident than yourself.

So think about it. How long are you going to continue to lie to yourself, so you can continue to hide under the gay umbrella?

Just think about it!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Conversation with a Gay Male.....sort of....

ME: So tell me your views. Do you feel people are born gay, even though humans are only born biologically male, female and intersex/bisexual?

Him: I don't think being gay is a choice. (well I speak for myself)

ME: ok...just trying to understand. How can a person 'be gay', if no human or animal can be 'born gay'. Where does the 'gay' come from? Biologically humans are only male, female or intersex/bisexual. That's it.

HIM: I don't think it's about whether u are born gay or's about attraction..

ME: are you saying that you are not born gay, but your 'attraction' is what is gay?

HIM: I am born as me.. I can't explain why I am attracted to this or that.. ....

ME: ok. that helps. Do you think that instead of looking for an answer and 'gay' was being marketed heavily in the media, you kinda just settled for 'being gay' so you won't have to think about it anymore?

HIM: I don't classify myself as anything but (name)..who happens to like guys...

ME: good deal. so do you think that anyone is 'born' gay? Just seeing what's on your mind (name).

HIM: I can't really answer that. I answer questions based on how they factor into my life. I don't think it's good to generalize things..

ME: I hear you. But we are just talking about basic human biology that is not 'individual', meaning that we don't get a choice in the matter since humans are only biologically born male, female or intersex/bisexual. So it's not if people want to 'believe' they were born gay, democrat, or Christian, but just based on basic biology.

I ask this because so many guys are stuck in an endless loop, of basing their whole life on a myth, when they never even stop to look at the facts so that they can make better choices going forward.

But very similar to how we started, he claims he is gay, when facts are presented, he was not born gay, but 'something'. I think it's the biologically Intersex/Bisexual term that they don't want to own. What do you think?

HIM: society terms people fall into all kinds of categories.. I don't think it's about exploring further.. it's how society has "termed" it..

ME: Interesting perspective. But remember, YOU are that society. It's so easy to blame 'society' for our choices, because it really has no face or name, but all along it's the individual that is the cause and effect. But one thing about biology is that is does not follow any society concepts.

Then again, if it was based on society, why would so many males 'choose' the gay lifestyle based on sex and sexual attraction, when it's guaranteed to have them rejected from our society, to where they must belong to the gay 'community'.

HIM: just by that fact alone..why would anyone choose something "knowingly" that is going to have them rejected by society?


1. Joining the gay group is a CHOICE.

2. Being born with a level of the Intersex/bisexual condition is NOT a Choice.

3. Males born Intersex/bisexual will Naturally be attracted to both genders because they are mentally and or physically both genders

4. Males will always 'admire' what he wants for himself, more masculinity, more muscularity, more confidence, bigger car, bigger house, faster car, bigger TV, etc

5. Its only when he starts to masturbate to those things he 'admires' does he crate a sexual 'bond' with those things he admires.

6. This is why it's never really going to be about the person. But only the 'attributes' he 'admires' or wants for himself or feels lacking in himself.

7. Friendship is what the intersex/bisexual male is looking for, but the consistent masturbation makes that virtually impossible, because his criteria for a friend, must also meet his exaggerated criteria for the male 'attributes' that he has created a sexual 'bond' with.

Is any of this starting to make sense to you now?

Gay Myths.....what some people are willing to believe.

Below are a few of the most common gay myths that some people continue to tell themselves, or they try to believe to try and make sense of their attraction for the same gender, or to justify their sexual activity.

It's amazing what people are willing to believe about themselves and others, when they don't really understand who they are in the first place.

MYTH 1: Humans and animals can be born gay
Fact: Humans and animals are only born biologically gender male, gender female, gender intersex/bisexual. There is no biologically gay birth in the human or animal world.

MYTH 2: No one chooses to be gay
Fact: Gay is only a group identifier that people 'choose' to identify with who have gender or sexual sexual differences, obsessions or dysfunctions.

MYTH 3: Being gay is like being a minority race of people
Fact: Being gay is a 'chosen' group identifier. People are born of a particular race. Actually biologically bisexual men and women at all levels mental and or physical, outnumber single gender males and females in our country.

MYTH 4: Humans who claim they are attracted to males and females are just suppressing the fact that they are gay.
Fact: Humans and animals born biologically bisexual are naturally sexually attracted to both genders, because they themselves are of both genders, mentally and or physically.

MYTH 5: All males who feel sexually attracted to other males are all the same.
Fact: Biologically Intersex/bisexual males are born with 'various' degrees of female, which means they will be more or less naturally attracted to other males.

MYTH 6: If a male is born biologically Intersex/bisexual he has no control over his sexual actions.
Fact: It's only when he consistently masturbates to images of the males he wishes he was more like, who are more masculine, muscular or confident than himself, does he begin to feel his obsession with other males is out of his control.

MYTH 7: All males who are sexually attracted to other males are gay
Fact: Most males who feel 'sexually' attracted to other males only feel so because early on they started masturbating to images of males who they 'admired', who were the stronger, more masculine, more muscular, more confident, more popular males they wanted to be like. Most of these males join the gay group because they don't understand what's happening to them and the media gives them an easy out...join the gay group.

MYTH 8: Humans and animals can be Homosexual or Heterosexual
Fact: Homosexual and Heterosexual are only 'types' of sexual activity. Homosexual type sexual activity is between two of the same gender. Heterosexual type sexual activity is between two of the opposite gender. Any gender male, gender female, gender intersex/bisexual can have either 'type' of sexual activity if they choose to do so, at any time. No human or animal can BE a 'type' of sexual activity.

MYTH 9: People can be Homophobic
Fact: Homophobic only means 'Homo = human(homosapien), phobic(phobia) = fear. This would mean a person is in fear of humans.

MYTH 10: People who belong to the gay group are rejected by their families and our society because of how they were born.
Fact: Many gay group members are rejected by their families and our society because of their choice to live a life based on overt and promiscuous sexual activity, with little to no benefit to our society. Some members of the gay group even though they choose to identify with the group, do not participate in the given lifestyle of the groups members and do not feel rejected by their families or our society.

MYTH 11: Some states have passed laws allowing gay marriage
Fact: States have approved Same Gender marriages, but never a 'gay' marriage law.

MYTH 12: White males have better success with lasting gay relationships.
Fact: The success rate is no better for any race of people in our society. There are just millions more white males in the U.S that joined the gay groups and are more 'committed' to the gay group than any other race of people. For instance, there is about 600% more white people in the U.S than African-Americans. It's also easy to think there is more success based on our media's focus on white males who joined the gay group.

MYTH 13: Females have better success with lasting relationships than males
Fact: Females have the worst success rate with relationship and with 'same gender' marriages where legalized. Part of this confusion is that males want to see success in same gender relationships when he can't see it with other males, so they try and convince themselves that females are able to be successful. But females will tell you just the opposite.

So think about what you are 'choosing' to be, and what you are using to 'justify' your life or lifestyle. It just might be that the myth that you are trying to base your life on.

It's a New Day. Expand Your Mind in 2009!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Only Because He IS.....What You Are NOT

Why do you think it is, that the males you feel you are 'attracted' to, just happen to be who you 'wished' you were?

When you are ready to be honest with yourself, you will realize that one or more of the following applies to you:

- You are attracted to masculine males, because you really don't feel as masculine as other guys.

- You are attracted to more muscular or athletic guys, because you 'wished' you had their body.

- You are attracted to a larger or harder penis, because you 'wished' you had a larger or that your penis would get or stay as hard.

- You are attracted to intelligent guys, because you 'wished' that you were as intelligent as you think he is.

- You are attracted to confident guys, because you 'wished' that you were as confident as you think he is.

- You are attracted to guys with respect for themselves, because you 'wished' that you were able to maintain respect for yourself.

- You are attracted to guys who are more stable and successful, because you 'wished' that you were able to have stability and success in your life.

Now if you still think that none of this applies to you, then think about the male images you use to masturbate to. Then pay attention to how the more you masturbate to those 'wished' attributes of another male, the more obsessed you become about those attributes.

Also notice that you must have a steady stream of 'wished' for male attributes to masturbate to for you to maintain your 'attraction' to those male attributes.

And finally, what you may already have figured out is that your only 'attraction' for other males, just may be in the 'attributes' you 'wished' that you had for yourself, and never really an 'attraction' for that other male.

Because no matter how you try to justify it or 'pretend' that your attraction is all mental or based on loving that person, what you will find is what keeps you from finding and maintaining a honest, respectful and lasting relationship with another male, is your desire to have the attributes of another male that you can NEVER have.

So maybe when you ready to stop 'justifying' your actions, or justifying your choice to 'be gay', it just might be time to finally gain an understanding of who you really are.

It's a New Day! Expand your Mind in 2009!

Admiration Confused with Sexual Attraction

You would be surprised at how so many males confuse a sexual attraction with 'Admiration', and this normal admiration becomes why he ends up choosing to be DL, Bi-Sexual, or Gay.

The funny thing about this is that these males were never born bisexual in the first place. They never started out with a sexual attraction for other males, but it was 'learned'.

I am sure you are thinking, 'now how can a person learn to be sexually attracted to another male.?'

Well, it's easier than you would think:

Let's go back in time a bit. As a young boy, there are always other boys around you. In most cases these other boys might be older, bigger, stronger or more confident than you were as a younger boy. Guess what, these are the boys you begin to 'admire', and want to be like based on their attributes.

Not sure about this? Well, try to think about a male who is less masculine, less muscular or stronger, or less confident than yourself.....and honestly ask yourself if you 'admire' that male or want to be like that male? Than answer is consistently no.

Why, because males tend to want the bigger, stronger, faster, taller, more powerful/confident and more popular of everything. From cars, to stereos, flat panel televisions, homes, clothes, jewelery, etc.

This included attributes of another male. Why do you think there are millions of males in gyms spending up to 8 hours a week lifting weights, trying to obtain the arms, chest, back, legs, neck, forearms, calves, butt, or biceps of another male who just happens to have a larger, stronger, more masculine looking version of any of those body parts?

Just look at your own situation. Who are the males you 'feel' attracted to? Why do you go to the gym on a regular basis? Remember, FIT is a word that was created just to justify the obsession with wanting another males body parts. So don't confuse yourself any longer thinking the days and hours you spend in a gym is tied to your health.

It's all about seeking a body image you 'admire' of someone else. And even if you don't spend hours in a gym, just think of the males that you 'admire'. Are they masculine, more muscular/fit/athletic, do they look strong, are they confident??

So how did you begin to confuse basic admiration with a sexual attraction?

This creeps up on so many males in adolescence so innocently, that they don't even realize it's happening. It could be due to the fact that parents are so afraid to talk about sex with their children, that their children create habits all on their own which impact them for a lifetime.

For males, it all starts with masturbation.
Masturbation is a very powerful 'bonding' tool. Whatever he focus' on while masturbating and feeling the intense pleasure of organism, will be 'bonded' with that intense pleasure.

It's funny, but this is why so many guys have fetishes for feet, legs, hands, penis, forearms, and most any body part of their own visible while masturbating and having an orgasm.

Just think about it...the foot fetish is always about the top of the foot. The hand fetish about the top of the hand, the flexed forearm, the flexed muscles of the thigh, and the erect penis.

But for these males, it's all manual. If they stopped masturbating to mental images of other male body parts they admire, or while looking at their own body parts, but focused on mental images of females who they desire, the manual sexual 'bond' with those 'admired' male body parts would continue to decrease and be replaced by his own natural sexual desire for females over a very short period of time.

This is so simple, but so powerful at the same time. It's amazing how quickly manual sexual bonds are created and disconnected.

Next, if he would stop trying to obtain the body parts of another male in gyms that he admires, which only creates a never ending obsession with those body parts. When you think about it, the gym is like the cigarette to the smoker. You can't stop smoking if you keep carrying cigarettes will eventually will smoke again.

The Gym/Fitness industry knows this very well. They know their demographics and understand that if they get the younger male around puberty to start working out in a gym, they have him for a lifetime.

Do you wonder why they let boys of age 14 on the gym floor??
Because at puberty when hormones are raging, and throwing him in a gym with male body parts that he 'admires' and wants for himself so badly, he will eventually begin to masturbate to those body parts. And before he knows it, he now feels 'naturally' attracted to other males.

The problem with most males is that they know so little about their own sexuality, and if they get an erection, it means they are sexually attracted to that thing or person, when it's more about a body part or characteristic of a person that is the cause of the attraction.

Test yourself....see if it's true for you

Try the 10 Day Sex Detox Challenge.
- No Porn
- No Gym
- No Masturbation
- No Men's Workout Magazines
- No Gay Web/Sex Sites
- No Hooking up with your male sex buddies
- No Gay Clubs/bars/events
- Avoid Your Committed Gay Friends

What you will notice during that 10 day period is that your 'natural' male sexual attraction for females will get stronger, as your 'manual' attraction for other male body parts begin to weaken. And if MUST masturbate 'after' the 10 day detox, then ONLY masturbate to images of females you desire, and not even your own body parts.

Your Future:
What you will begin to realize is that your options for the future open up for you, because you are no longer driven by your manual body part/image obsession with other males. And now you can truly begin to 'be' who you really are, and not who you masturbated yourself into.

And your options for a mate can now be based on the person, and not who who you 'wished' you were, or a desire body part or greater level of masculinity than your own.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Have You Been Tested??

Do you ever think about the fact that so many males must focus on being 'tested' for sexually transmitted diseases, primarily because they are 'choosing' to have sexual activity with so many other males?

Just think about this for a minute:
Would you have a need to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases if you weren't choosing to have have sex with so many people you did not know?

That logic seems to have gone lost of many males who are caught in the web of 'being gay' and sexual activity being their 'identity', which they feel they must continue because it's 'who' they are.

Does that make any sense to you?
On thousands of profiles on the hundreds gay male sex websites, males try and find some level of pride in the fact that they are able to have promiscuous sex on a regular basis, but state they have not contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

Could the chosen 'lifestyle' that is based on promiscuous sexual activity, be the root cause for the steady increasing rate of sexually transmitted diseases among these males? All based on 'chosen' sexual activity. It's all a CHOICE.

What if you HONESTLY asked yourself a few basic questions before you made your choice?

- What if you choose 'not' to have promiscuous sexual activity with strangers on a regular or irregular basis that required consistent testing?

- What if you didn't hope and wish that he was not infected with a disease?

- What if you choose not participate in activity, that required constant testing to diagnose 'when' you will contract a sexually transmitted disease?

- What if you choose not to ignore your common sense, and continue to have sex with another male you 'know' is having promiscuous sex with other males?

- What if you choose not to believe any other male based on what he tells you about his STD Status?

- What if you didn't try to blame the 'other' male for being deceitful about his STD Status?

- What if you didn't try to blame the other male for having promiscuous sex, when he's doing the exact same thing that now has you infected?

- What if you focused on regaining your self respect, so that you would not have a need for promiscuous sex with strangers?

- What if you didn't continue to try and justify a 'lifestyle' based on the exact sexual behavior that will soon have you infected with a STD?

- What if you made better choices for your life with a future in mind?

There is ALWAYS a reason:
So maybe the next time you see a profile on the web, or a guy boasts about being 'tested', or who is actively or 'willing' to have promiscuous sex with you who he does not know.......just remember that there is a reason why he needs to be tested on a regular basis.

Think real hard on that fact before you choose to have sex with that person. And if you 'choose' to have sex with that person, it's all on you, because you already know why.

Whether the real test is whether or not you are 'choosing' the actions that requires testing for STD in the first place.

It's a New Day! Expand Your Mind in 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seriously Committed to Being Gay......Seriously?

A conversation I had with an older white 'out gay' male who said more than he intended.

In an attempt to justify his many years of promiscuous sexual behavior, he now felt that he would be a hypocrite if he entertained any views about himself, outside of what he has adopted as 'being' gay, or his chosen gay lifestyle, tied to sexual obsession/addiction.

This was very interesting. Because like many other males, he has become trapped under the gay umbrella, and it is only in his mind or based on the approval of the 'group' that he has joined, that keeps him there. He felt that if he changed his life, it would be a rejection of all that he has stood for or claimed to 'be' for so many years.

Gay, religion and gangs.
As mentioned in previous articles, it's very clear that the 'belief' in being gay and the 'belief' in many religions, and gang membership are very much alike.

- Each are committed to a 'concept' that has no basis, besides what other people told them about themselves and their world.

- Each are resistant to gain any knowledge outside of the very limited concepts that hold their perceived world together.

- When either group go to the extreme with their 'belief', they are the most unhappy and dysfunctional people you would ever want to meet.

- When any member tries to leave the group, they are attacked by members of that same group.

Why is this happening?
So what is it about the people of these two groups. Just maybe what's common among them is themselves, and not the group at all?

Individuals that are alone or lonely, or who don't feel part of the larger society, or who feel rejected by even those closest to them, tend to seek refuge in groups, clicks or gangs is you will.

The mentality is the same. Adopt a behavior or 'lifestyle' based on being unlike everyone else, which causes them to exaggerate their difference even more than they started. Which in turn has them even rejected by members of their own group in the end.

Either way, it's a failed plan, tied to an attempt to run from the unknown or what's not understood about themselves. And instead of seeking answers, they give up and crowd under the same umbrella as many other lonely, lost and rejected souls needing help, not cover.

Just because you call yourself gay, doesn't mean you are happy.
They can pretend they are happy all they want, but just look at their lives, and what their future holds for them. Do you see anything to be happy about?

The false concept of doing the best with what they have, is only trying to carry a snowball in your hands, in the summertime. You can't advance by doing the same thing and getting the same results and just existing. Unless that's all your life is to be about.

Choosing to be whores(unpaid), and prostitutes(paid), tends to be the resulting life. Many try to justify this by attempting to compare their actions with those non-gay men and women, who are also rejected based on their sex based lifestyles. Some how in their logic, it's OK to be a whore or prostitute, if someone else is doing it also. This is where you play back the story your mother told you about jumping off a bridge if your friend did it.

But it doesn't have to be this way.
What so many males have not understood is that if they would only begin to seek knowledge about how they were born, about their attraction for the same sex, along with an attraction for the opposite sex.

If they would ask themselves more questions as to:
- Why and how he became 'more' attracted to the same gender over time?
- Why is it that they are really only attracted to males more masculine
- Why is it that is really only attracted to males more muscular than himself?
- Why is it that the more masculine, more muscular males are never really attracted to him...or not for long?
- Why can't he build lasting friendships with males without having to masturbate with them
- Why does he avoid thinking about his future, his 40s, 50s, 60s...

And maybe the most important question of all would be:
If his current lifestyle was not his choice, then who's making him do it?

Monday, February 2, 2009

If It's Not a Choice, Who's Making You Do It?

Have you noticed how it seems most committed gay and Biologically Bisexual males, are just going through the motions in their lives?

- They go through online profiles of other males, not looking for anything.

- They just met guys with nothing in common, just to have something to do.

- They are committed to being a term, and they don't even know what it means.

- They post naked images of themselves on websites that no one asked to see.

- They spend so much time trying to 'be' what a group told them to be, they don't even know who they are as individuals outside of the group.

- They masturbate with other guys because they are bored or lonely.

- They get high constantly so they don't have to think or feel anything.

- They have sex 'activity' with groups of guys because they are tired of pretending to be interested in one guy.

- They call themselves a term that means happy, but they are anything but that.

- They modify their physical appearance to gain attention, just any kind of attention.

- They are rejected by other males, so they degrade themselves sexually, which guarantees they will continue to be rejected.

- They try to see pain as pleasure, so they can feel something after years of constant masturbation.

- They have no life plan, because they haven't begun to live their life yet.

So there is the question:

If your lifestyle is not a 'choice'........then who's making you do it?????????

It's a New Day....Expand Your Mind In 2009!

2 Primary Reasons You Can't Find Friends....

Biologically Bisexual males have the most difficult time establishing and maintaining friendships and an even more difficult time establishing and maintaining intimate relationships as well.

A majority of the reasons for these difficulties, is his not understanding that he is biologically bisexual, and not understanding how to manage both his male and female aspects.

Friendships with other males fail mostly because:

1. His female aspect is always looking for more masculinity than he has within himself

2. His male aspect is always looking for a body image that he 'admires' and wants for himself.

So the result is that when he thinks he is seeking a friendship, he is actually trying to meet the masculinity requirement of his female aspect, along with the body image requirement of his male aspect.

He then exaggerates both requirements with consistent masturbation to the body images of more masculine and muscular males than himself.

The result of the consistent masturbation is:
- His female aspect will require an an even higher level of masculinity than his own, which has him automatically rejected by the other biologically bisexual male who is doing the same thing.

- His male aspect will require an even more muscular body image, because he will begin to try and obtain that body image in gyms by lifting weights obsessively. But he will still be rejected or used for his body and rejected, because even if the other biologically bisexual male is attracted to his body image or body parts, he will still reject him based on his level of masculinity that his own female aspect sees not masculine enough.

However, when the biologically bisexual male learns to balance his male and female aspects by:
- Learning more about his own biologically bisexual birth

- Understanding that his biologically bisexual birth has little to do with sex and sexuality

- Learning how to harness the natural born skills and abilities born of him by being born more mentally male and female and single gender males and females do not have within themselves.

- Limiting his masturbation to more muscular and more masculine body images

- Not restricting friendships to only biologically bisexual males

- Not restricting his potential for intimate relationships to only biologically bisexual males

- Not attempting to create a lifestyle based on sexual activity and his exaggerated 'attraction' for other males

- Not allowing a group or the media define who he is, capitalizing on his initial confusion about human sexuality.

- Take the "10 Day Sex Detox Challenge" so you can gain a glimpse of what life was like, before you created your exaggerated attraction and obsession for an upgrade.

Then his whole world opens up.

He no longer has a need to hide under the gay umbrella of shame, because he knows that it is not 'who' he is

He is able to become part of out society as a whole, because he no longer is living his life based on sexual desire and activity

He no longer has a need to restrict friendships based on sexual desire or body image

He no longer has a need to restrict his ability to build personal intimate relationships with others based on gender.

Give Yourself A Chance!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Nuts and Bolts...but not what you think..

Ok, I have to get this out there, because most guys into homosexual type of sexual activity tend to forget this little fact.

Since this is a general audience blog, I will replace anus with Nuts, and penis with Bolts.

Have you noticed that 'traditional' homosexual type sexual activity has become licking what comes out of Nuts, and sucking what comes out of Bolts. Could this also be why even other 'gay' or males who participate in homosexual type sexual activity have a hard time even respecting each other, never mind not even thinking of seeking the respect of the rest of our society.

Many of these males try to justify their nuts and bolts activity by the already rejected aspect of our society that participate in heterosexual type sexual activity. But that they fail to recognize is that they are basing their 'lifestyle' on a plan that has already failed. So it's not rocket science to understand how by them committing the similar activity, that they would be rejected also.

The diseases:
Then it's all the diseases that he exposes himself to. Not just normal sexual transmitted diseases, but feces and urine related diseases that are popular among the many males who participate in Nuts and Bolts activity. There is no way humanly possible to clean all of the feces residue from the Nut, or urine from the Bolt, no matter how much you want to think it's not there. Like dogs, you are eating feces and drinking urine every time you take part.

Ok, let's take society out of the picture.
Ask yourself, would you want to kiss someone that you know put their tongue in Nuts, or their mouth on the Bolts of many other males before you?

Remember....You Are What You Eat!

So how does the biologically bisexual male have sexual intimacy with another male, without losing his self respect and degrading himself in the eyes of anyone that he 'admires' or would like to have as a make, but who rejects him?

Well, he can start by rejecting the idea that sucking on Bolts and sticking his tongue inside the Nuts of other males he is not committed to.

Then he can regain much of his self respect by rejecting the idea of sticking his tongue inside the Nut of another male, whether he is committed to him or not. No one will respect a person who they see licking anyone else's Nut. PERIOD!

What may confuse the many males about this issue, is their consistent viewing of porn on the web, on DVD or in magazines. Even the desperate males on gay sex sites offer service to your Nut, because they have already been rejected by males in the real world.

And just maybe if you tried to stop the consistent masturbation to those images, you would begin to open your eyes to the truth of the situation.

So what's the point?

Now ask yourself....could your sexual activity be one of the primary reason why no other male would want to be with you....a second time.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sexual DIS-Satisfaction

Human beings, just like any other animal, needs basic natural sexual activity or sexual intercourse to complete their sexual fulfillment. When he or she lacks that sexual intercourse, the individual becomes out of balance.

Masturbation, masturbation, masturbation:
Due to an inability to attract the opposite sex or a lack of desire for the opposite sex, many males and females tend to resort to self stimulation or masturbation as a 'substitute' for sexual intercourse.

This masturbation can include but is not limited to self masturbation, masturbation by others, or masturbation inside, on top of, or against another person body or body parts. Any type of self stimulation is only masturbation when two sex organs are not connected to complete the sexual intercourse.

Simulated sexual intercourse:
The result of an inability to obtain sexual intercourse, the male tends to try all sorts of activities in an effort to 'simulate' the feeling of sexual intercourse. The result is that he will try to manually stimulate most every aspect of his body trying to reach the sexual fulfillment that can only be achieved through actual sexual intercourse between two sex organs.

You may have noticed that the side effect of his failed efforts, is that he will not only try to stimulate most every aspect of his body, but then will seek 'volume' sexual activity hoping that a different sexual partner or groups of sexual partners will meet his sexual need. But it still does not work.

Pain as pleasure:
Eventually he begins to see pain as pleasure in an effort to be able to connect an emotion to his self stimulation. He will even seek other males in an effort to inflict pain on him, that he then tries to connect with sexual enjoyment. But even that does not work long term, as he will need to suffer more and more pain.

Other not into pain, tend to see humiliation by the one he 'admires' as some sort of sexual stimulation. But this again is only a side effect of his inability or lack of desire to actually procreate or have natural sexual intercourse with another human.

This issue has been clearly tied to the fact that many males, not understanding that they are born Biologically Bisexual, will try 'restrict' all of his sexual activity to only masturbation alone or with another male in a variety of ways.

The result:
So what tends to happen is that if he is driven by sexual desire, he will tire of any one male quickly, and require a steady stream of masturbation partners in an attempt to reach basic human sexual satisfaction.

However, biologically bisexual males who have been able to balance their male and female aspects, and who are not driven by sexual desire/activity, are able to naturally find an outlet for sexual satisfaction every human needs, male or female.

So if you ever wondered why you keep having to find different ways to masturbate, even with a partner or partners, you now know that it doesn't matter how many other males, how masculine, how muscular he is.

It's always going to be about you, trying to 'simulate' sexual intercourse and only being able to get 'simulated' sexual satisfaction.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Still Think You Were Born Gay???

Have you given much thought to the fact that for quite a few males, his 'attraction' to other males, tends to be associated power, strength and a desired body or body parts.

Well, there is a reason for this:
- As children, males 'admire' other males who are bigger, taller, stronger, more popular, who drive flashy cars, and who have flashy clothing because they want to be like them.

- They grow up wanting to be big strong firemen because they get to wear the big red hat and drive the big red fire truck and make all the noise as they go put out fires, and help people.

- They grow up wanting to be big strong policemen because they get to wear a uniform, get a badge and a gun, and they get to stop the robbers and save the day.

- They grow up wanting to be big strong famous athletes who hit home runs and make touchdowns, and everyone likes them because they helped win the game.

- They grow up wanting to be big and strong like their fathers or other adult males in their lives, who can pick them up and throw them in the air, who protects them from the bad guys, who can do everything better than anyone else's father.

- As they get older, they want to be like the older kids in the neighborhood, the bigger boys, the stronger boys, the more popular boys in school, and the boys that are able to get the popular girls.

However, still wanting to 'be' like the strong, powerful and popular males they have admired all their lives, when these males reach puberty where his hormones are out of control, everything becomes sexual to him.

And masturbation begins...
So now those more powerful, stronger, bigger more popular males he admired all throughout childhood, become his images for masturbation.

But why not females??
Because up to this time, very little or no focus was placed on females. He never wanted to 'be' a female or admired their attributes or wanted to grow up to be like them. All his focus was on 'being' the strong fireman, policeman, athlete or like his father or father figure.

However, because he is still a male, he still has a natural attraction for females. Many of these guys try to go with those attractions. He may date females, try to create girlfriends, but he can never stay focused on the female, and even she becomes frustrated. So he tends to 'play the field' where he won't date any female for long, so that he is sure nothing will come from it.

Why does he do this?
Because each night and most mornings, he maintaining his 'manual' sexual bond with male images through masturbating to the images of those male images he admired as a child. Now as an adolescent, he is overwhelming his natural male attraction for females, with consistent masturbation to bigger, stronger male body images he 'admires' and wants for himself.

At this point he is confused. He can't understand why he has such a strong 'sexual' bond for other males, but even though he is attracted to females, he just doesn't have as strong of a sexual 'bond' with them as he does for other males.

What he doesn't realize is that his consistent masturbation, morning, noon, and night, to those 'admired' stronger, bigger, more popular male body images, he is drowning out his natural sexual attraction for females.

So as a result:
Even though he still feels attracted to females, he either decides to take a break from females, so he can understand where his attraction for males lead him. And with the very heavy marketing for 'being' gay, he begins to see himself as 'gay'. Because he really has no other answer to why he is now 'more' attracted to males than he is to females.

After many years, he has forgotten what it was like before he became gay. His life is filled with so many masturbation aids, that they are core to his 'lifestyle'. He spends so much time 'defending' his lifestyle as normal for him, and not a choice, that it's become more of a campaign than a life.

No matter how much he builds his body image to be like those males he admires, there is always another male with a 'better' body. So back to the gym, the protein powder, the super growth pills, the dieting to try to obtain that image so he will be attracted to you.

It seems that the body images you want, never really want you, so you settle for body images you know you are better than. You lower your standards to masturbate with one of them when horny or lonely, or bored. But it's back to work, because you know you can have that body image of the males you admire, since that's what you are 'attracted' to.

After several friendship/relationship attempts, and many years later, you figure out that the problem is really with all the 'other' males, who don't want to commit to one person. But as you get older, and less of what they 'admire', you understand that you must try harder. Because you are Gay and it's who you are, and you had no choice in the matter.

Now, lets back up to when the masturbation began. Since every person is different and has different life experiences. Only you can be the judge here. But could it be that all these years, you have only been maintaining a manual sexual 'bond' with other 'admired' stronger, bigger, more muscular, more confident male images through your consistent masturbation to those images??

What do you think would happen if you stopped all the masturbating to those 'admired' images? This is scary for many males, because if they can't 'be' gay, then how do they justify their sexual activity for so many years.

But the question is would you want to continue a lifestyle that could be based on a distorted attraction/obsession for attributes of another male, that you can never have?

Test Yourself
What could it hurt. Take The 10 Day Sex Detox Challenge, so you can get an idea of what your life was like, before' you became emerged in all that is 'gay'.

Very much like those who detox from drugs or alcohol, you just might be surprised at 'who' you really are, once you begin to live free from the bondage that you may have adopted as a lifestyle.

It's a new year, a new day, and just maybe a new you...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Commitment Agreement

Could it be that the many Biologically Bisexual males have such a hard time with Friendships, Dating and Committed Relationships is because they skip over the friendship, in a mad rush for the Committed Relationship?

What these males don't realize is that they are NOT like a single gender male or female. So they can't use a single gender male or female model to try and build a friendship, to date or to establish a committed relationship with another Biologically Bisexual/Duel Gender male.

Here is why:
Being born biologically bisexual, you are both mentally male and female to some extent. And with your duel gender birth, you must learn to balance both your male and female aspects as it relates to natural attraction, skills and abilities.

For instance, if the biologically bisexual male does not balance his female aspect, 'she' will begin to dominate his male aspect, become obsessive about more masculinity than his own and reject his male sexuality and take on a more female or submissive role sexually.

This is counter productive, because the other biologically bisexual male is also both male and female, and to some extent, his female aspect will naturally seek the masculinity of a male to be submissive with. This does not mean intercourse, but submission in whatever way it works for the male.

The end result is that either bisexual male will continue his search until he is able to have the needs of both his male and female aspect met, from a sexual and mental perspective.

The Friendship
This is why focusing on establishing respectful and trusting friendships or male bonds, with other males is so important. This male bond is what's necessary to to maintain the relationship between the two male aspects of their duel gender identity. Along with male bonds with any other male that's not duel gender.

What's just as important is the respectful and trusting friendship or female bond between their two female aspects. Along with female bonds with any other female that's not duel gender.

Remember, neither of those 'bonds' include sexual activity, it's about 'connecting' with males and females on a mental level, where you common interests, morals and values are in balance. Connecting with 'people' that you 'admire' for their minds, thoughts and ideas, and who help you expand and grow your many 'duel' talents and abilities as a duel gender male who is to some extent both male and female mentally.

This friendship bond component is very important, because without this in place 'before' you think about 'dating' another duel gender male, you won't have a 'foundation' to base your potential relationship on, besides base sexual attraction and being horny.

That is why it is important to seek 'friends' not based on their sexual preferences, whether they are biologically bisexual or single gender of male or female. But choose friends based on common interest and basic morals and values. What grows from this respectful and balanced friendship is the potential for dating. It takes months of consistent contact for this to happen, not days, weeks or hours.

Wating to have sex should not be a 'challenge' if the respect, trust and mutual interest is there. But if either of you cannot' wait at least a month to have sex, then you should know that the friendship concept, is only a pathway to another sexual partner. Who will soon loose interest and begin to seek another sexual partner.

Only after you have established a respectful, trusting and balanced friendship bond, only then if there is interest on both parts, should the idea of dating come into play. Remember, it's not a one sided event. Just because you are 'attracted' to another person, it doesn't mean they are, and your 'advances' could turn the other person off.

However, if you spend the valuable quality time to get to know the person and there is a natural bond between the two of you, male or female, then you have more of a foundation that can handle a sexual advance that is not reciprocated. If open honesty is the core of your 'friendship' with the other person, they would respect your honestly about dating.

Committed Relationships:
Only after considerable dating and a very clear and often times written agreement of behavior and commitment, would you want to embark on a committed relationship with another person.

The biggest mistake many duel gender or single gender men and women make is the lack of 'clarity' before embarking on the committed relationship.

One major issue is that without clarity, and even a written 'agreement' between the two of them, that spells out their intentions, what's acceptable and what is not, in plain words, the 'idea' of the committed relationship could be vastly different between the two parties.

Even taking the time to create a Committed Relationship Agreement helps the two individuals walk through aspects of their relationship between each other, that they might not think about heading into a relationship.

For Biologically Bisexual males, some of the self destructive issues are:
- Is porn allowed for masturbation to 'other' male bodies than your mate?
- Do you continue to go to gay bars where the focus is to find a mate?
- Do you continue to work out in gyms where you continue to obsess over other males bodies?
- Do you allow access to gay porn and gay sex websites?
- Do you continue to have your sex buddies in your life?

Many of these issues are not thought about, but are at the core of why so many committed relationships between biologically bisexual males end.

A few other non sexual aspects are:
- Communication rules
- Decision making that impacts both parties
- Living arrangements
- Money matters
- Friends and their impact

Those are just a few examples to get you started with your agreements.

I would suggest writing it all out, making changes and additions until you both agree on the the core components. Let it set for a week, meet again and revise and update, then both sign the document, and both of you keep a copy of the document with your personal papers.

Manage Your Agreement:
Then at the one month mark, three month mark, six month mark and 1 year mark, pull out the agreement and revise as needed. There alwasy tends to be something that needs to be added or removed to make your committed relationship work. After the first year, you should have a well thought out and established agreement that's able to help you maintain your committed relationship for a lifetime.

Remember, committed relationships between two biologically bisexual/duel gender males are not supposed to have an expiration date. And more failed relationship attempts is not a good thing, but only stressed that you are making the same mistakes again and again.

It is amazing how important it is to communicate your expectations with another person, if they are to be part of your life.

Understanding that if you or your partner feels this step is too much trouble, or they are not interested, or don't want to go through the effort of writing everything down, then just maybe a committed relationship is not for you or the other male.

You never want to push anyone into a commitment with you, that they are not willing to do so freely, because in the end, only you will be interested in honoring the commitment.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Going Through the Sexual Motions...

I find it amazing at how many males I talk to that state that much of the sexual activity the end up participating in, is less than fulfilling, and more of something to go through because he thinks it's what the other male wants.

The Anticipation...
Overwhelmingly, the males who comment on this issue state that the 'idea' and 'anticipation' of potential sexual activity with an 'imaginary' male, is much more fulfilling for them, than the actual sexual activity with the male he has sex with in the real world.

Most of the males state that it's because the male he ends up having sex with, never really meets the standards of the male in his 'imagination'.

Other males state that the 'sex' aspect tens to be only a shaking of hands, to get it out of the way, to see if they can be sexually compatible, and then to find if they have anything in common, or have a potential for even a friendship.

In the vast majority of these cases, the sex is lacking, and there is always something wrong. His body is either less muscular than 'imagined', his penis is smaller than 'imagined', or the sexual activity was less fulfilling than 'imagined'.

However, the 'attraction' for the less masculine/submissive of the two, is the other males greater level of masculinity, with the 'anticipation' of a more muscular body and larger penis. And for the more masculine/dominate male, the less masculine male turns out to be a 'compromise, because he was bored or horny. 9 times out of 10, as soon as the more masculine male ejaculates, he looses most of his 'attraction' or interest in the less masculine male.

The Result...
The result is that the more masculine/dominate male will want to remove himself from the less masculine/submissive male as quickly as possible. He will agree to most anything as far as phone calls or other meetings until he is able to escape. The less masculine of the two becomes frustrated and cries 'games' as the more masculine male will continue his search for his own more masculine male.

Why does this happen?
It's all because both males do not understand that they are both born biologically bisexual and if he lets his female aspect dominate him, he will subject himself to much trauma during his lifetime, by letting his 'emotional' aspect dominate his logical aspect, which allows him to be used for a sexual release, time and time again.

Once he is able to balance his male and female aspects, and not let his female aspect dominate him, only then will be be able to provide the other biologically bisexual male what he needs to meet both his male and female aspects, and not try to 'simulate' being a female in a man's clothing.

Confusing Gay Identity Concepts....

Most males who feel attracted to other males, are so confused that they don't know 'what' or 'who' they are when trying to find an identity tied to sexual activity.

Let's take a look at a few common 'gay' concepts:

- Straight males who go gay for money
Biologically Bisexual males who have sex with females, but has sex with males for money.

- Straight males having gay sex
Biologically Bisexual males who have heterosexual type sex, along with homosexual type sex.

- Straight acting males
Biologically Bisexual males who are more naturally masculine, who do not allow his female aspect to dominate where he would have exhibit exaggerated feminine behavior.

Remember, there is biologically 'gay' people or type of sex, as gay is only the group name for people who have sexual differences, sexual confusion, sexual addiction or dysfunction when the sex is between two of the same gender.

However anyone who choose to join the 'gay' group is 'able' to have both homosexual and heterosexual 'types' of sex at any time.

So you may want to pay more attention to who or what you 'choose' to be. A little knowledge goes along way to help you avoid basing your lifestyle on ignorance.