Saturday, January 24, 2009

Confusing Gay Identity Concepts....

Most males who feel attracted to other males, are so confused that they don't know 'what' or 'who' they are when trying to find an identity tied to sexual activity.

Let's take a look at a few common 'gay' concepts:

- Straight males who go gay for money
Biologically Bisexual males who have sex with females, but has sex with males for money.

- Straight males having gay sex
Biologically Bisexual males who have heterosexual type sex, along with homosexual type sex.

- Straight acting males
Biologically Bisexual males who are more naturally masculine, who do not allow his female aspect to dominate where he would have exhibit exaggerated feminine behavior.

Remember, there is biologically 'gay' people or type of sex, as gay is only the group name for people who have sexual differences, sexual confusion, sexual addiction or dysfunction when the sex is between two of the same gender.

However anyone who choose to join the 'gay' group is 'able' to have both homosexual and heterosexual 'types' of sex at any time.

So you may want to pay more attention to who or what you 'choose' to be. A little knowledge goes along way to help you avoid basing your lifestyle on ignorance.

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