Have you given much thought to the fact that for quite a few males, his 'attraction' to other males, tends to be associated power, strength and a desired body or body parts.
Well, there is a reason for this:
- As children, males 'admire' other males who are bigger, taller, stronger, more popular, who drive flashy cars, and who have flashy clothing because they want to be like them.
- They grow up wanting to be big strong firemen because they get to wear the big red hat and drive the big red fire truck and make all the noise as they go put out fires, and help people.
- They grow up wanting to be big strong policemen because they get to wear a uniform, get a badge and a gun, and they get to stop the robbers and save the day.
- They grow up wanting to be big strong famous athletes who hit home runs and make touchdowns, and everyone likes them because they helped win the game.
- They grow up wanting to be big and strong like their fathers or other adult males in their lives, who can pick them up and throw them in the air, who protects them from the bad guys, who can do everything better than anyone else's father.
- As they get older, they want to be like the older kids in the neighborhood, the bigger boys, the stronger boys, the more popular boys in school, and the boys that are able to get the popular girls.
However, still wanting to 'be' like the strong, powerful and popular males they have admired all their lives, when these males reach puberty where his hormones are out of control, everything becomes sexual to him.
And masturbation begins...
So now those more powerful, stronger, bigger more popular males he admired all throughout childhood, become his images for masturbation.
But why not females??
Because up to this time, very little or no focus was placed on females. He never wanted to 'be' a female or admired their attributes or wanted to grow up to be like them. All his focus was on 'being' the strong fireman, policeman, athlete or like his father or father figure.
However, because he is still a male, he still has a natural attraction for females. Many of these guys try to go with those attractions. He may date females, try to create girlfriends, but he can never stay focused on the female, and even she becomes frustrated. So he tends to 'play the field' where he won't date any female for long, so that he is sure nothing will come from it.
Why does he do this?
Because each night and most mornings, he maintaining his 'manual' sexual bond with male images through masturbating to the images of those male images he admired as a child. Now as an adolescent, he is overwhelming his natural male attraction for females, with consistent masturbation to bigger, stronger male body images he 'admires' and wants for himself.
At this point he is confused. He can't understand why he has such a strong 'sexual' bond for other males, but even though he is attracted to females, he just doesn't have as strong of a sexual 'bond' with them as he does for other males.
What he doesn't realize is that his consistent masturbation, morning, noon, and night, to those 'admired' stronger, bigger, more popular male body images, he is drowning out his natural sexual attraction for females.
So as a result:
Even though he still feels attracted to females, he either decides to take a break from females, so he can understand where his attraction for males lead him. And with the very heavy marketing for 'being' gay, he begins to see himself as 'gay'. Because he really has no other answer to why he is now 'more' attracted to males than he is to females.
After many years, he has forgotten what it was like before he became gay. His life is filled with so many masturbation aids, that they are core to his 'lifestyle'. He spends so much time 'defending' his lifestyle as normal for him, and not a choice, that it's become more of a campaign than a life.
No matter how much he builds his body image to be like those males he admires, there is always another male with a 'better' body. So back to the gym, the protein powder, the super growth pills, the dieting to try to obtain that image so he will be attracted to you.
It seems that the body images you want, never really want you, so you settle for body images you know you are better than. You lower your standards to masturbate with one of them when horny or lonely, or bored. But it's back to work, because you know you can have that body image of the males you admire, since that's what you are 'attracted' to.
After several friendship/relationship attempts, and many years later, you figure out that the problem is really with all the 'other' males, who don't want to commit to one person. But as you get older, and less of what they 'admire', you understand that you must try harder. Because you are Gay and it's who you are, and you had no choice in the matter.
Now, lets back up to when the masturbation began. Since every person is different and has different life experiences. Only you can be the judge here. But could it be that all these years, you have only been maintaining a manual sexual 'bond' with other 'admired' stronger, bigger, more muscular, more confident male images through your consistent masturbation to those images??
What do you think would happen if you stopped all the masturbating to those 'admired' images? This is scary for many males, because if they can't 'be' gay, then how do they justify their sexual activity for so many years.
But the question is would you want to continue a lifestyle that could be based on a distorted attraction/obsession for attributes of another male, that you can never have?
Test Yourself
What could it hurt. Take The 10 Day Sex Detox Challenge, so you can get an idea of what your life was like, before' you became emerged in all that is 'gay'.
Very much like those who detox from drugs or alcohol, you just might be surprised at 'who' you really are, once you begin to live free from the bondage that you may have adopted as a lifestyle.
It's a new year, a new day, and just maybe a new you...
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
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