Friday, August 28, 2009


Are you finally ready to stop the never ending cycle of masturbating to the more masculine, more muscular attributes of other males you wished you had in yourself. And when it becomes an obsession, you end up calling it your 'lifestyle'??

Here are the 3 Basic Steps to help you get your life back, starting in Only 30 Days.


Most males who 'think' they were always sexually attracted to other males, don't realize following basic biological facts:

- Males have no sexual 'attraction' until puberty.

- All males are 'attracted' to other male 'attributes' as children that they wished they had, and want when they grow up.

- At puberty, when the male starts to masturbate to the 'admired' male attributes, he creates a manual sexual 'bond' with those attributes.

- That manual sexual 'bond' must be maintained by a constant stream of porn(admired male attributes of masculinity, body image and penis size)

- Avoid your previous masturbation buddies during this time also. Very much like a drug addict must avoid other users if he wants to quit.

Solution: All males are naturally sexually attracted to females, no matter how deep it's overshadowed by his masturbation to admired male attributes. If you need to masturbation, masturbate to an admired female image.

- Better yet, have sex with females, your girlfriend or wife if you want to have sex.


You must avoid all Porn in magazines, on the web, gay web sites, in video.

- Images of male 'attributes' you admire serve to lower your own self esteem about your masculinity, body image and penis size.

- Whether it's male/female porn or same gender porn. The negative impact on the male is the same.

- Trying to 'compare' and 'compete' with porn stars only sets an unrealistic expectation of himself, and lowers his self esteem.

- Porn is also 'required' to maintain your manual sexual 'bond' with the admired male attributes.

Solution: Focus on other aspects of your life such as your hobbies and sports. If you don't have any hobbies, try new things, since porn and masturbation may have taken away the time you would have had for developing hobbies.

3. NO GYM:

You must avoid the gym which is only a 'tool' that enables males to continue his obsession for the body image used for masturbation.

- Your 'attraction' for another male is only because you want his body image. However, no matter how much you try to create that body image in yourself, there will always be another body image you admire more. So this cycle will never end.

- The gyms know this. Have you asked yourself why you must continue any 'gym' workout every 3 days or you loose all of the benefit??

- It's never about wellness, only a body image obsession, with becomes Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Solution: Take up martial arts which is focused on overall wellness, instead of a body image obsession. Learn to develop aspects of yourself so that you won't feel the need to seek an 'upgrade' in another male, which you can never have.


What you will find is that the less porn you view, the less time you spend in a gym, and the less you masturbate to the attributes of other males, the less you find yourself 'attracted' to those attributes.

This happens because you are beginning to transfer the 'habits' tied to your obsession with the attributes of other males, to 'habits' relating to activities you enjoy on a daily basis.

- You begin to understand that your natural organic sexuality should not require the maintenance via masturbation and porn.

- Your self esteem begins to come back into balance, as you are no longer 'measuring' yourself physically and sexually against other males with body image obsessions, or porn stars hired for the purpose of entertainment.

- You are able to regain your self respect that you had to fake for so long by hiding under the gay umbrella, pretending that your actions were OK and the problem was with everyone else.

- You no longer need to lie to your family, your girlfriend or your wife about masturbating with other males.

- You no longer need to feel guilty about 'thinking' about masturbating with other males, and cheating on your girlfriend or wife.


After you go through being angry that someone pointed out the obvious truth that you have been ignoring, or after you are done laughing at once again, someone is offering a cure for how you think you were born..........give it a try.

- If you fall off the wagon, start over from day 1. You must go 30 days in a row following each of the three steps.

Side Effects:
There are a few side effects of this program.

1. Your friends committed to 'being gay' will resent you, because they will see you as 'rejecting' them, since you are not choosing to be one of them. So avoid telling them you are testing.

2. Your interests will change from constant conversations about 'being' gay, 'gay' things, 'gay' lifestyles, 'gay' failed relationship attempts, and who's gay in the media to what you want out of life, and your interests not associated with sex and sexuality.

3. You will begin to see your life options become more expanded. The 'restriction' based on being 'committed' to a lifestyle based on homosexual sexual activity has less appeal.

4. You become free to make friends with males and females based on common interest and not based only on sexuality.

5. You are now able to look a potential mates not only based on 'gender', or what you wished you were, but based on the individual.

6. Your relationship or marriage with your wife becomes less stressful because you no longer have a big secret to hide..

7. Your marriage becomes stronger because you are no longer deceiving your wife in mind or actions.

Give yourself a chance. It won't cost you anything.

Go ahead...see what happens...

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