When you step back and look at the obsession to body image modification that so many Biologically Intersex/bisexual males suffer from, you have to wonder if it's all done on purpose.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is the condition where a person is obsessed with his/her body image to the point that his/her life is impacted in a negative way.
This is clearly the case with the vast majority of intersex males specifically. Non-intersex males and females get caught up with the disorder also, but a much lower rate. And their obsession with the body image modification in gyms, tends to fade quickly. However for intersex males, there are much deeper reasons why this obsession with body image can become a lifetime disorder.
So what's really happening?
Males are visual creatures. Males also want what they this is bigger or better than something else. He wants the biggest car, the fastest car, the largest flat panel TV, the largest house, etc. But also he wants more muscular and more masculine looking body of other males.
But here is where his conflict begins.
His female aspect is 'naturally' attracted to males with more masculinity than himself, which you should already know if you have read many of the other blogs. However, with his own male aspect essentially being rejected for a more masculine male, he puts his focus on males more muscular and more masculine looking than himself to admire.
However, through his female aspects natural attraction for more masculine males, he begins to masturbate to those more muscular male images. The more he masturbates to those images, the stronger his desire will be to 'obtain' that muscular body image for himself.
Enter the Gym...
Millions of intersex males spend on average 10 to 14 hours a week, inside a gym lifting weights trying to build their body image into the image of another male he admires.
Let's put this into perspective so you understand the impact on a person's life:
- We are awake on average for 16 hours each day,
- 14 hours a week in the gym comes to 56 hours a month.
- Over 3.5 days of awake hours in the gym.
- That's over 40 awake days, over a month each year inside a gym modifying or trying to maintain the abnormal modification of his body image.
The sad part is that he has been convinced that his efforts are all about being 'fit' or healthy. But the truth remains that the BMI scores that identify the overweight and obese, consistently puts these males in the obese category.
Why?? Because your BMI or Body Mass Index does not care about how muscular you are. It's based on your bodies frame, and size of organs, and how efficiently your heart can pump blood and nutrients throughout your bodies tissue.
When a person has a body mass greater than normal for his frame and internal organs, he puts stress on those organs. It doesn't matter if it's mass that consists of body fat or muscle. The hart in particular must pump blood and nutrients though cell of tissue within his body.
The reality is that thousands of obese intersex males die every day of heart related illnesses and organ failure due to their obesity and excessive use of supplements, in their attempt to obtain the body image of another male.
And to top all this off, basic science proves that if a person uses foreign weight or resistance to gain strength or for his body to adapt by growing more muscle mass, within 72 hours of releasing that foreign weight, his body begins it's natural process of releasing that gained strength and muscle mass.
Why? Because your body does not maintain muscle mass it does not need for 'natural' function.
The attempt to fool the very intelligent body is a massively wasted effort, because the intelligent body is much more intelligent than your little brain can comprehend.
So who benefits?
Well, who always benefits from a consumer who buys into what what someone is selling, without giving it much rational thought? The seller..
Gyms are making out like bandits on the backs of intersex males. Billions of dollars in gym fees, special gym clothing, nutritional supplements to help get you bigger, and to keep you going, they even sponsor body building events, where the most obsessive wins a prize.
Still think Intersex males are not the target?
Pick up any men's magazine targeted at the 'gay' community, and you will find the majority of advertisements will be body modification supplements and exercise equipment you can by for home. Watch any of the 'gay' focused cable channels for 15 minutes, and most every commercial break will be selling you a body image through a weight lifting machine, diet pills, or nutritional supplements.
The only ones not aware of what's happening is the millions of intersex males, still trying to 'be' gay and live a gay lifestyle, which requires them to obtain a body image that another male will 'admire' in an attempt to attract him. But he is still rejected, because 'simulated' masculinity through body image modification does not work on the other males female aspect.
She only sees the natural masculinity. It's only the male that sees a body image he admires and wants for himself. The result is a large group of abnormally muscular intersex males who are only attempting to compensate for naturally lower level of masculinity.
How does this impact your relationships?
Besides the intersex males internal conflict, through this process, he creates even more conflict between himself and other intersex males.
By exaggerating the masculinity his female aspect desires, he looks for males who are much more naturally masculine than himself. Why will automatically reject him based on his own natural level of masculinity.
By exaggerating his body image through adding abnormal muscle mas, his male aspect becomes obsessed with a bigger and more detailed desires as it relates to his and another males desired body image. He begins to focus on the other males bicep, calf, shoulder, etc. This obsession never ends on it's own, because there will 'always' be another male with a desired body part.
What he finds is that he will never be able to find another intersex male with the exaggerated masculinity and physical requirements both his female and male aspect now requires. What ends up happening is that when he is lonely or horny, he will lower his standards and masturbate with a desired body image that is close to his ideal, and once he is done, he has no more use for that body image.
Now aside from the relationship aspect, his wholeness becomes an issue. Through wasting so many hours picking up big heavy things, and putting them back down again, he has lost valuable time to learn, expand his mind, foster varied hobbies and interests not related to his body Dysmorphic disorder. Most importantly, he looses out on valuable time necessary to get to know another person and to get to know them.
Just imagine what you can do with your life, if you had an extra month.....Every Year??
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
I just checked it out and I must say an eye opener or a different perspective on how u see things. very good job
ReplyDeleteI think that the article is very insightful and revealing.It may give someone a peek into themselves,and start the journey in self-actualization...
ReplyDeleteNow you have me feeling guilty about "wasting" time at the gym.LOL
ReplyDeleteWow, man, the body image blog was pretty interesting! Shared it with a friend who is clearly obsessed with enlarging his body, which I never [understood] why, nor could he ever articulate (the reason why).