I am always surprised at the large number of Biologically Bisexual males under 25, that tell me that they don't understand 'how' and 'why' they ended up in the gay lifestyle, when they never joined the gay group or committed to 'BE' Gay?
Many males, unaware that he was born Biologically Bisexual, are confused about their natural attraction for both genders.
His natural sexual attraction for females is confusing enough for the male. But when you add the complexity of a natural attraction for males, it can be overwhelming to the male.
With all the marketing of the concept of 'being gay' on TV in print and on the web with all the overt sexuality and sexual activity, he knows that he does not want to be a part of group. He remembers guys he know in school that were normal guys in school, and once they became 'gay' they started to act like girls and just looked for guys to have sex with all the time. He know that was not him.
He knows that he has a strong 'natural' attraction for females, and has plans to get married and raise a family. But he just can't shake the attraction for other males, and he does not understand what's happening.
Because he knows that he is NOT gay.
So he continues to date women, looking for his dream girl that he wants to marry. But to keep his attraction for males a secret, he continues to work out at the gym to make his body more muscular, surfs the web looking at gay porn and masturbating to those male body image he sees at the gym or in the porn.
What he does not realize is that the more he obsesses over more masculine body images, and the more gay porn images he looks at and masturbates to, only exaggerates his female aspect's 'natural' attraction to male body images that seem more masculine than his own. Which only makes his situation worse.
He keeps mastrubating...
But he tries to stay focused on the girl that he loves and who loves him. He wants to marry her, but unfortunately this very happy moment in his life, and his future plans are overshadowed with confusion, self hate and doubt.
He keeps mastrubating...
He knows knows that he can't stop himself from going on line every day and or night, and looking at naked male bodies and body parts he wished he had for himself, it's like an addiction.
He keeps mastrubating...
But when he starts to wonder what it would be like to masturbate with one of those body images, he freaks out. Because that would mean that he was 'gay', and he knows that he's not gay, because he is in love with his girlfriend.
He keeps mastrubating....
So he tries to top watching the gay porn. To do this, he starts to watch 'straight' porn. But this does not help, because he would still masturbate to the male images that were either more masculine, more muscular or who had a larger penis than his own in the straight porn.
He keeps mastrubating...
As time went on, and the more he masturbated to those male images, the less he begin interested in his girlfriend, who he loved. It was if he had no choice in the matter, and all he could think about was going to the gym and where he could see another more masculine more muscular male body images.
He keeps mastrubating...
Eventually he gives in to his obsession and masturbates with another male from one of the on line gay sex sites. It wasn't what he expected. It wasn't really sex, but just masturbating with the guy. He thought I could have done this at home alone. He felt like he just cheated on his girlfriend who he loves and could not get away from the guy any quicker.
He tells himself that he is never putting himself in that position again. So tries to stay away from the sex sites and spends more time at the gym and with his girl friend. But something does not feel right between him and his girlfriend.
He still loves her, but he's not wanting to have sex with her like he used to. So as their relationship becomes more strained, he begins to feel more confused and sexually frustrated. Mental pictures of more masculine male body images keep popping up...
He keeps mastrubating...
Finally he gives in. He can't control his obsession with more muscular male images he sees at the gym, in fitness magazines or on line. But he knows he is not like those feminine or sex obsessed 'gay' people on TV, but his obsessive sexual behavior paints a very different picture for him.
But what about his future? His wife and family? His parents, his friends, his life?
His bigger question is 'why' is this happening to me???
Sadly, like so many biologically bisexual males, without understanding their duality of gender, they are able to masturbate themselves into a sexual obsession with other male body images more muscular than their own. This obsessive and compulsive masturbation only exaggerates his sexual bond to the more masculine male images.
The result is that he will be stuck living a life tied to his obsession to more muscular male images, and masturbating to maintain that manual exaggerated sexual attraction. Which at the same time, dulls his 'natural' sexual attraction for females.
For many of these males, the 'natural' solution to help them accept the lifestyle tied to sexual behavior is to choose to join the gay group. Where anyone with a gender difference, gender confusion, sexual confusion, low self esteem, sexual obsession, sexual addiction and sexual dysfunction is 'accepted'.
And they only ask the rest of the world to 'tolerate' them.
Take the '10 Day Sex Detox Challenge'!!
Look at the life choices of those 'real world' males older than you that choose the 'gay' lifestyle. Not on television in documentaries or gay movies created by those living a gay lifestyle, but real world males you see in public and in the thousands of on line profiles on the hundreds of gay sex and dating sites.
Don't you think you deserve much more from your life???
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
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