Friday, January 2, 2009

Think You Were Never Attracted To Women?

The most common reason Intersex/Bisexual or Duel Gender males males tend to think they are automatically 'gay', is because they have a strong sexual attraction for other males, but do not feel an attraction for females they 'think' they 'should' be attracted to.

This tends to be because the Intersex/Bisexual or duel gender male is trying to compare himself with the single gender male.

Understand that by being born duel gender, and you are balanced with your male and female aspects, you benefit from the traits, abilities and attractions of both genders.

Let's break it down from a sexual attraction perspective:
- His female aspect will be attracted to the 'natural' masculinity of another male 'she' feels is more masculine than her own male aspect.

- His male aspect will be 'naturally' attracted to females his male aspect sees as more feminine than his own female aspect.

The result is that females that the Intersex/Bisexual male will naturally feel attracted to, in most cases, will not be the same females the single gender males naturally will be attracted to.

WHY? Lets just think logically here.
Single gender males only have his primary sexual attraction for females. So all of his sexual activity and masturbation is focused at females. Any female more feminine than himself tends to be what attracts him.

For the duel gender male, your female aspect is 'naturally' attracted to males 'more' masculine than yourself (since you are part of her), AND your male aspect will be attracted to females 'more' naturally feminine than your own female aspect.

This is why so many 'gay' or Intersex/bisexual males are attracted to females who are over the top with femininity. Diana Ross and other glamorous and ultra feminine females are an example. Intersex/bisexual males simply cannot get enough of those females.

Their female aspects want to 'be' those over feminine females. This is the same with his male aspect wanting to 'be' the more masculine, more muscular male.

Most don't understand the attraction, and just assume it's because they are 'gay', that they don't see it as a sexual attraction. However, when he is able to balance both his male and female aspects(using the 10 Day Sex Detox Challenge), he is able to regain his 'natural' male attraction for those females he is so attracted to, but currently where his sexual bond is restricted by obsessive masturbation to male images to feed his female aspect.

You may need to read that section again so it sinks in, because it's important that you understand what's happening.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to take the 10 Day Sex Detox Challenge, because until you do so, you will continue to be in a fog, driven by your female aspects exaggerated desire for males more masculine, and your males obsession with obtaining a more muscular body image or body parts than his own.

Take the challenge.. It's time you took back your life!


  1. Man, really kwel blog thanks for sharing. WOW so much to digest. Mentally I've been battling with this gay thing for a long time. I'm not attracted to women sexually. I mean I can see a phine sister and say so with no desire to get with her. I always said if I was to deal with a sister she would have to be an excentric woman. LOL. A sister with style and class....

  2. Great Comment. What's important to notice is the fact that the women he feels he could be with, must 'be eccentric, a sister with style and class'. As you see, this is only his male aspect seeking 'more' femininity than his own female aspect. So she must have an 'exaggerated' level of femininity or be what many call a 'Diva' to meet the requirements for his male aspect.
