Of the many males I talk to over the years, there is no group that complains more about other males playing 'games' than those committed to being a 'bottom'.
Speaking to these males, it seems all of the problems, issues attached to living a 'gay' lifestyle and their inability to obtain a boyfriend or a lasting committed relationship, is the fault of those 'top' or 'vers' males that only want to use them for sex.
The Bottom Commitment:
What the many 'committed' bottom males don't understand is that their choice to reject their male sexuality, and allow his female aspect to dominate him sexually, he is then only half of the person that the other duel gender/bisexual/intersex 'top' males needs to satisfy both his own male and female aspects.
The result is that that 'top' male, no matter how much he 'wants' to be committed to you, will need to find his own male to be submissive with in one way or another. This does not mean that he needs to have intercourse with another male, but he needs a male that he is able to see as masculine enough to dominate him.
This is why most biologically bisexual/intersex males focus on a male who is 'masculine, athletic, muscular, unclockable, a regular guy, someone like me, one of the boys. But males that commit to be bottom, try to hang on to the false concept that it's 'what I like' or 'it's who I am'.
Not out in the cold:
However, this does not mean that the naturally less masculine male is out in the cold. What's important to understand is that when the male has balanced his male and female aspects, his natural attraction will be for males very close in masculinity to himself. The attempt to 'upgrade' on masculinity is reduced greatly, because his female aspect is not rejecting his male aspect to such an extreme manner.
The body image obsession is exaggerated due to excessive masturbation to body images or body parts the male wants for himself. Once he stops masturbating to those images, and trying to obtain those images in a gym, or looking at them on the internet or in exercise magazines, he is able to balance his physical body image.
Take the challenge:
The 10 Day Sex Detox Challenge is a good way to begin to balance your male and female aspects, so you have a more balanced look at who you were, before the obsession begin. Most males are very surprised at how their 'attractions' change in many ways, once they stop manually stimulating themselves to create a exaggerated sexual 'bond' with mental images of other male body images and body parts they desire for themselves.
It's your choice. You can continue to try and upgrade your masculinity, continue to reject your male sexual aspect, continue to blame the more masculine and or muscular males you feel attracted to for not wanting to be with you long term, or you can begin to balance both your male and female aspects, so you can be more of who you really are, from the inside out.
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
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