Have you noticed how many 'gay' spend most of their awake hours either in gyms or on online gay 'dating' websites?
The average 'gay' males works out at least 3 days a week. He spends on average 3 hours each time preparing for the workout, driving to the location, working out, and heading back home.
That's 9 hours a week of his life tied to the process of trying obtain the body image of another male he is attracted to, but will consistently be rejected by.
Let's break this down a bit more:
We are only awake an average of 18 hours a day. That means that ever two weeks, he spends a full day of awake time in a gym. Within a month(4 weeks), he spends 2 full days of awake in that effort to gain another males body image.
Two days lost each month. 24 Days Each Year!!
Next is the enormous amount of time 'gay' males spend on the internet searching for someone who might want to be with them, or at least have sex with them. On average the 'gay' males will spend 4 to 6 hours logged onto gay dating/sex sites. What tends to keep them there is the abundance of free porn offered on the gay 'dating/sex sites, by the marketing of additional porn, and those other 'gay' males who offer themselves as porn for attention.
For most 'gay' males, this can be over 30 hours a week, logged on or searching gay dating/sex sites hoping to find someone willing to have sex or the remote possibility of a friendship, after sex.
It all adds up..
Now taking the the 32 hours he spends on trying to create the body image of another male, and the 120 hours he spends online at gay dating/sex sites searching for that other male, he spends on average 150 hours trying to obtain a desired body image or searching for someone to have sex with each month.
This is over 9 days of awake time per Month!!
Here is the interesting part. 99% of the males obsessed with his body image or who is obsessed with obtaining the body image or body parts of another male, will be rejected by that other male, because he is doing the same thing, trying to 'upgrade' his own body image or body parts.
What the 'gay' male also does not realize is that the males he searches for on the internet, are the same males he was already rejected by in the real world. It doesn't matter if he takes a picture that makes him 'seem' more muscular, more masculine, or use makeup to make himself look better, he is still rejected once again in the real world by the 'same' males who rejected him in the first place, that drove him online to the gay sex/dating websites.
Even if he chooses to give up his basic morals, values and personal ethics, get naked on the web, expose himself on the world wide web, and even offer himself for sex services, he is rejected even quicker because he doesn't even get the opportunity to meet the person for a live rejection, he is rejected by the click of the mouse. (CLICK!)
Why is he stuck in this never ending cycle?
When the biologically bisexual/intersex/duel gender male does not understand his duel gender, and the side effects or is able to balance both his male and female aspects, they become in conflict with each other, and he is just taken along for the ride.
- His female aspect continues to seek a male more masculine than his own male aspect. So he seeks males more masculine, who will see him less masculine and reject him.
- His male aspect continues to seek a male body image he 'wants' for himself, so he spends countless hours in gyms trying to 'obtain' the body image or body parts of the admired male.
However, along the way, he masturbates to those more masculine more muscular body images, and exaggerates his females desire for even more masculinity, and his male aspect for an even more muscular body image or male body parts.
The end result is a male seeking much more masculinity and a much more muscular body image than his own natural body, so he is stuck in a never ending cycle of obsessing over males that are guaranteed to reject him, because they may be doing the 'exact' same thing....trying to Upgrade.
He becomes bored ...even with himself
However, the greatest side effect of this cycle, is that of the 9 days a month he is stuck cycling, he is not putting any effort into building himself into a person that anyone would want to be with, even himself. He tends to have no real hobbies, no interests, not up to date on current events, and most can't actually pay any sports. Most tend to only watch TV, eat, workout, go to movies, masturbate and chill.
The result of not building himself into a whole or even an 'interesting' person that others want to communicate with , be around and in most cases unable to earn their respect, is that even if he met another male who wanted to be with him, all they would have in common would be an obsession over masculinity, body image or body parts, and masturbation.
So they meet, maybe eat, watch TV or a movie, masturbate and lose all interest. So it's back to the search.
But until he understands 'why' he feels attracted to other males, and gains an understanding of his biological bisexual/intersex or duel gender birth, the endless cycle is what he can expect for a long time coming.
Wasting time, not expecting anything, not taking his search seriously, chillin......
Think about this....does it sound like you?
As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex
children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be
even mo...
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