Monday, February 9, 2009



Have you figured out yet that what you tell yourself that you are looking for in another male, is the opposite of what you are actually looking for?

Not realizing that you are in a constant state of trying to upgrade your masculinity, body image and self esteem, you tell yourself what you want to believe about yourself, but your actions are clearly targeted at the attempt to 'upgrade'.

Most guys will agree, but only for 'other' guys but not themselves. Still in denial about their own actions, which has them stuck in the same never ending cycle.

Does this sound familiar?

Not looking for a male more masculine than I am, but not looking for anyone less masculine.

Not looking for a male more muscular than I am ,but not looking for anyone less muscular, average, overweight or skinny.

Not looking for a male with a larger/harder penis than I have, but not looking for anyone with a smaller, softer penis.

Not looking for male who is into 3somes and group sex or a sex buddy, but not looking for anyone I don't want to have sex with.

So do you still wonder why it's so hard to make real friends, or find a mate?

Just maybe when you realize that trying to 'be' gay is only an attempt to hide from the fact that you don't understand why you may have been born biologically bisexual and naturally attracted to other males, or how obsessive masturbating to other males you 'admire' has created a manual sexual bond with those body parts that you wished where your own.

Even if out of desperation you try to 'date' other males of many other body types, shapes and sizes, you will still end up masturbating to males more masculine, more muscular, with a larger or harder penis or who is more confident than yourself.

So think about it. How long are you going to continue to lie to yourself, so you can continue to hide under the gay umbrella?

Just think about it!

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