Sunday, February 8, 2009

Gay Myths.....what some people are willing to believe.

Below are a few of the most common gay myths that some people continue to tell themselves, or they try to believe to try and make sense of their attraction for the same gender, or to justify their sexual activity.

It's amazing what people are willing to believe about themselves and others, when they don't really understand who they are in the first place.

MYTH 1: Humans and animals can be born gay
Fact: Humans and animals are only born biologically gender male, gender female, gender intersex/bisexual. There is no biologically gay birth in the human or animal world.

MYTH 2: No one chooses to be gay
Fact: Gay is only a group identifier that people 'choose' to identify with who have gender or sexual sexual differences, obsessions or dysfunctions.

MYTH 3: Being gay is like being a minority race of people
Fact: Being gay is a 'chosen' group identifier. People are born of a particular race. Actually biologically bisexual men and women at all levels mental and or physical, outnumber single gender males and females in our country.

MYTH 4: Humans who claim they are attracted to males and females are just suppressing the fact that they are gay.
Fact: Humans and animals born biologically bisexual are naturally sexually attracted to both genders, because they themselves are of both genders, mentally and or physically.

MYTH 5: All males who feel sexually attracted to other males are all the same.
Fact: Biologically Intersex/bisexual males are born with 'various' degrees of female, which means they will be more or less naturally attracted to other males.

MYTH 6: If a male is born biologically Intersex/bisexual he has no control over his sexual actions.
Fact: It's only when he consistently masturbates to images of the males he wishes he was more like, who are more masculine, muscular or confident than himself, does he begin to feel his obsession with other males is out of his control.

MYTH 7: All males who are sexually attracted to other males are gay
Fact: Most males who feel 'sexually' attracted to other males only feel so because early on they started masturbating to images of males who they 'admired', who were the stronger, more masculine, more muscular, more confident, more popular males they wanted to be like. Most of these males join the gay group because they don't understand what's happening to them and the media gives them an easy out...join the gay group.

MYTH 8: Humans and animals can be Homosexual or Heterosexual
Fact: Homosexual and Heterosexual are only 'types' of sexual activity. Homosexual type sexual activity is between two of the same gender. Heterosexual type sexual activity is between two of the opposite gender. Any gender male, gender female, gender intersex/bisexual can have either 'type' of sexual activity if they choose to do so, at any time. No human or animal can BE a 'type' of sexual activity.

MYTH 9: People can be Homophobic
Fact: Homophobic only means 'Homo = human(homosapien), phobic(phobia) = fear. This would mean a person is in fear of humans.

MYTH 10: People who belong to the gay group are rejected by their families and our society because of how they were born.
Fact: Many gay group members are rejected by their families and our society because of their choice to live a life based on overt and promiscuous sexual activity, with little to no benefit to our society. Some members of the gay group even though they choose to identify with the group, do not participate in the given lifestyle of the groups members and do not feel rejected by their families or our society.

MYTH 11: Some states have passed laws allowing gay marriage
Fact: States have approved Same Gender marriages, but never a 'gay' marriage law.

MYTH 12: White males have better success with lasting gay relationships.
Fact: The success rate is no better for any race of people in our society. There are just millions more white males in the U.S that joined the gay groups and are more 'committed' to the gay group than any other race of people. For instance, there is about 600% more white people in the U.S than African-Americans. It's also easy to think there is more success based on our media's focus on white males who joined the gay group.

MYTH 13: Females have better success with lasting relationships than males
Fact: Females have the worst success rate with relationship and with 'same gender' marriages where legalized. Part of this confusion is that males want to see success in same gender relationships when he can't see it with other males, so they try and convince themselves that females are able to be successful. But females will tell you just the opposite.

So think about what you are 'choosing' to be, and what you are using to 'justify' your life or lifestyle. It just might be that the myth that you are trying to base your life on.

It's a New Day. Expand Your Mind in 2009!

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