Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Manual Sexual Bond

Biologically Mentally Intersex/bisexual males being born to various degrees both mentally male and female, have the challenge to balance both aspects of who he is. Denying his female aspect tends to lead to mental conflict and an attraction battle and eventual sabotage of his life in many ways to compensate. Denying his male aspect tends to lead to his female aspect dominating his life at the exclusion of his male aspect.

Low level intersex males where his males aspect has a stronger sexual attraction for females, than his lesser female aspect has for males, can have more control over his female aspect. However, even those with closer balanced male and female aspects are able to gain more control over their female aspect so their female aspect does not dominate their male aspect.

It's all about Masturbation
For the low level mentally intersex males, who have less of a female aspect, the primary action taken that enables his lesser female aspect to dominate his male aspect, is consistent masturbation and orgasm to media driven visual or mental images of males his female aspect sees as 'more' masculine male images. These are normally males who have girlfriends or wives and often times children. Many struggle and suffer great mentally pain in an attempt to control his female aspect or his 'desire' for more masculine males. But it tends to be a loosing battle.

Whether it's body images from the gym, television, magazines or porn on the web, the more the mentally intersex male masturbates and has orgasm to those images, he only reinforces his female aspects desire for male masculinity greater than his own. The result is his male aspect is lowered or deflated. It becomes as if he has not control over his actions. But there is a way for the low level intersex male to potentially regain control of his female aspect.

This situation is the same for mid level and high level of mentally intersex males. However, for the low level intersex males, he may be able to have a normal live with a female, by being able to manage his female aspect. For the mid level and high level intersex males, by managing and balancing both your female and male aspects, these males are able to better balance 'who' the female aspect is 'able' to be attracted to, so the masculinity and body image bar is not too much higher than his own natural level of masculinity.

It's all about Balance
Once the mentally intersex male stops masturbating to body images his female aspect sees as more masculine or more muscular than himself, this is the beginning of reseting expectations.

If the low mentally intersex male has a strong attraction for females, then if he needs to masturbate, he should focus on females his more dominate male aspect finds attractive. However, understand that his female has needs that must be met. So he must also masturbate to his own body image. This way his female aspect never needs to look for masculinity greater than her own male aspect.

If the mid or high level intersex male has a strong attraction for other males, if he needs to masturbate, he should focus on other males his own mental image. This will begin to reset expectations for masculinity for his female aspect more in balance with his own male aspect. Essentially reducing his female aspect from attempting to 'upgrade' based on masculinity of another male.

Being born with a level of the mental intersex condition is much like any born disorder that must be managed and balanced. I know that many people don't like to think of themselves as having a disorder. But putting all religions, political concepts aside, being born intersex is a condition just like any other that in many ways prohibits a person from normal reproductive function as a human being. However, just as any human, a happy and prosperous life is a right. However, the more we try to avoid the truth of the situation, the more it hurts the millions of people born with various levels of the mental Intersex condition.

Hiding under the gay umbrella for many only keeps them stuck in the same never ending cycle of pain and suffering.....trying to 'Be Gay', or be a sexuality.

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