Saturday, December 20, 2008

Same Sex Marriage vs Gay Marriage

The ongoing conflict over same sex marriage may be more about 'how' people who are attracted to the same gender, are represented by the use of the Gay Brand, than about the individual themselves.

It could be that the 'image' that the general public have of members of the gay group or of the gay brand, is why our society does not want to imply that they approve are a part of that group. So their only option is to reject the group.

This is exactly the same situation that happens 'within' the gay group. Most masculine 'gay' males reject more flamboyantly feminine 'gay' males and do not want to associate with them, or be seen with them, because it would imply that he was 'like' them.

Most masculine 'gay' males reject more stereotypical 'gay' males who are focused on 'being gay' who tries to be 'individual, by modifying their hair, clothing, body art, etc and do not want to be seen with them, because it would imply that he was like them.

So just maybe the underlying issues around why so many members of our own society, reject the idea of 'Gay Marriage' is because the Gay Brand represents the overt sex and sexuality. It may not be a rejection of individuals, but a rejection of public sexual 'behavior' of many of those within the gay group that focus on being the negative stereotype of the Gay Brand.


  1. "It may not be a rejection of individuals, but a rejection of public sexual 'behavior' of many of those within the gay group that focus on being the negative stereotype of the Gay Brand."

    Brilliant. I never thought of it this way. Now how do we convince the public to not jugde us as a group?

  2. As long as you choose to group together solely based on sex and will always be judged as such, not only by others, but by others in your group. Remember you are the public.
