Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Masculinity Conflict

Males born with various levels of being biologically mentally Intersex/bisexual are impacted in ways that put him in conflict with himself. But the key to being born mentally Intersex is understanding that mentally, to varying degrees, he is both male and female. I discuss how this happens in a previous post.

The Conflict
Being born naturally both mentally male and female, but gender male, the stronger or more dominate mental gender aspect tends to want to take over.

For instance, females are naturally attracted to the masculinity of males. Since the mentally intersex male is part female, then his female aspect will naturally be attracted to the masculinity of other males. However, since he is both mentally female and male, his female aspect will naturally be attracted to masculinity 'greater' than that of his male aspect. Understanding that the female is naturally attracted to masculinity as she is feminine.

This internal conflict has an impact on the male aspect. What represents itself as low self esteem or low body image, may just be his female aspect naturally being attracted to masculinity greater than his own natural level of masculinity.

The outward representation of the conflict is his rejection by the 'more' naturally masculine mentally intersex males, who his female aspect is naturally attracted to, since the 'more' naturally masculine mentally intersex males female aspect is doing the 'exact' same thing as his female aspect. Both female aspects being naturally attracted to more masculinity that she has within 'herself'.

The response to his female aspects essential rejection of his male aspect, the majority of mentally intersex males will try and 'simulate' more masculinity by building abnormal levels of muscularity through consistent gym workouts. This only makes the situation worse, and creates even more conflict with his female aspect, and confusion between his female aspect and the female aspect of the other mentally intersex male.

Happens consistently as a result of the 'simulated' masculinity through body image, is that the female aspect is attracted to the 'seemingly' more masculine male based on physical attributes, and vice versa, but immediately rejects him based on his 'natural' born level of masculinity.

The End Result
The end result will be large groups of mentally intersex males, with muscular bodies, but an inability to 'attract' a naturally more masculine male. What tend so happen is he is either rejected immediately, or if the other male is horny or lonely, he is used for a sexual release, and rejected once he ejaculates. And his female aspect is then off to continue her natural search for her more masculine male.

I discuss how mentally intersex males enable their female aspect to take over in then next post...

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