Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gays, the Church and the Truth.

I recently watched an interesting video by a Samuel Brown, who also has a blog: www.sonofabishop.blogspot.com. His focus in the video was about how the church and religion use the bible to justify their very negative view point of the many men and women who are attracted to the same gender.

So many Intersex/Bisexual men and women beat themselves up over this issue on a daily basis. However, many who tend to hide under the gay umbrella, may deserve criticism, based on the fact that they choose to create a lifestyle based on sex and sexual activity. However, many other Intersex/Bisexual males and females live more respectable lives and should receive that respect earned, and not be negatively impacted by their ability to love another human, whether male or female.

But sadly, many of these individuals bring this negative reaction on themselves, by being ignorant of their own gender identity, and trying to 'own' a birth issue that was not of their own making. And certainly not GOD's either.

It is so amazing what humans are willing to 'accept' or believe, when they 'choose' not to seek knowledge to educate themselves, and expand their minds. But very much like the religious, the 'gay' men and women are stuck in mental/intellectual and isolation, defending a antiquated belief system that only harms them.

It's Very Basic:
Just think about the fact that if the general public understood the biological reasons why humans and animals are born with various levels of the Intersex condition, the whole issue of trying to be 'tolerated' by the church and the general public would be a nonexistent.

Basic biology tells us that all fetus start out perfect, but it's what happens 'after' God has done his work that creates 99.9% of the children born with various dysfunctions and disabilities.

For instance, crack babies, babies born with diabetes, babies born with AIDS, babies born with Downs Syndromes, etc are not the work of GOD. What creates these dysfunctions and 99.9% of the other dysfunctions in born children is due to the care of the mother during the 9 months GOD trusted his work in the care of the mother.

However, women in an attempt to reject their responsibility for their born child, blames GOD or the child for their born disorder. I know the word 'disorder' is a hard word to hear to describe one's born condition, but very simply, that's what it is. It does not 'define' a person, but it is what the person is made of.

But until self proclaimed 'gay' people educate themselves, and become knowledgeable of their own birth 'disorder', they will forever be stuck in a never ending cycle of lying to themselves about being 'normal but different', and 'OWNING' their disorder, while whose who are responsible for their disorder,(by doing crack, bad life choices, having too many children, taking birth control pills while pregnant, smoking, drinking alcohol, ingesting dairy products), point the finger back at the child, or to GOD as if GOD had anything to do with what the parent co-created.

But as long as the many men and women 'choose' to hide under the gay umbrella, to justify lifestyles based on sexual activity and sexual obsession, or try to 'redefine' what a 'normal' is for a human, he or she is only creating more heartache and pain for themselves. Because they are only hurting themselves, and giving more ammunition to those who seek to reject them based on their sex based lifestyle, or 'who' they choose to 'love'.

Educate yourself, about yourself. Most people know more about their car or their computer than they know about their body, mind, spirit and soul.

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