Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You can't pray it away...

So many guys confused about their born duel gender and the side effect of being obsessed with being attracted to both males and females, tend to turn to the church that condemns them for help.

Unfortunately, just like dieting, when you try to pretend or go into denial about your natural birth, one day you give up restricting yourself, and it all comes back.

Since the church blames you for your natural attraction to other males, then it's up to you to 'change' that attraction with God's help.

But here are the facts:
1. The spark of life that created you was perfect as with all life within the universe.

2.The 9 months in your mother's care, is what defines whether a child will be born with any physical dysfunction, mental dysfunction, or any level of Bisexuality or any level of the more physical Intersex Condition.

3. It's much easier to blame the child 12 to 18+ years after birth, than for the parent to reflect on their own life choices and level of care for her unborn child.

4. Ignorance of basic biology within the church is what keeps the church stuck selling the concept that your biological bisexuality and Intersex condition is something that needs to be 'fixed' by God.

Ignorance Is Ignorance:
Ignorance is Ignorance no matter who is suffering from the lack of knowledge. What seems to be the best path for balance between your male and female aspects, along with balance within yourself, is gaining knowledge so your wisdom overshadows ignorance, no matter what direction it comes from, or what form it comes in.

Once you understand that God did not make you gay, or homosexual, or Bisexual, or Intersex, the sooner you will be able to release yourself from the condemnation by the church for your biologically bisexual birth, due to your mother's care during the nine months in her care before birth.

However, as long as you try to hang on to the idea that God created you as gay or homosexual, or you try to live a lifestyle based on sexual activity and sexual obsession, then you only buy into the churches concepts of self hate and that it's your choice to be biologically bisexual or intersex, and it's your fault that God has not 'fixed' you.

It does not matter what faith you have, or no faith at all. Basic biology and basic ignorance will always be in conflict around this issue, and as long as you are in denial of your biologically birth, you welcome the condemnation of the 'church'.

Empower Yourself:
But when you gain knowledge and learn to accept your biological birth, you are empowered to learn to manage your duel genders, gain the talents and abilities both genders bring to a bisexual person, and learn to obtain a balanced and lasting relationship with whoever you were meant to be with.

What are your thoughts?

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