Monday, January 19, 2009

Non-Judgement........the Relationship Cancer

I find it interesting how so many committed 'gay' males are so resistant to judging the behavior of other committed gay males.

The Gay Community
It took a bit of thought, but it all makes sense. In order to belong to the gay 'community', one of the primary requirements is that you not judge the sexual behavior of another member of that community.

This is because, if members of the 'community' begin to call out the degrading and promiscuous sexual behavior of other members of the community, then they couldn't participate in the same behaviors that are actually required as part of the 'lifestyle'. Very much like congress who create laws with loopholes in them, so they can continue their 'legal' behavior which is very much like the illegal behavior of someone from the general public who is charged with a crime.

So members of the gay community are not allowed to identify or call out anyone who attempts to have sex with married men, sex with males with girlfriends, or sex with males who are in 'relationships' with other males. They are supposed to let them do what they will without comment or judgment.

However, when another member of the gay community has sex with his partner, then the promiscuous sexual behavior becomes a problem. Now it's OK to judge this 'other' person, along with their partner, or by now, the X.

The cancer in your relationship....
But he never thinks about the promiscuous sexual behavior being a 'problem' or there being anything wrong with the behavior while trying not to place judgment on the behavior. But when it finally impacts his own life, and it is guaranteed to happen, it then becomes a problem that can't be tolerated. Judgment day is here!!!!

This Non-Judgment concept around sexually promiscuous behavior in the gay community, is now at the point where it actively erodes the 'concept' of a relationship, before a relationship can even begin.

Just think about it:
1. Do you feel it's OK to have sex with strangers?

2. Do you feel it's OK to have sex with with married men?

3. Do you feel it's OK to have sex with guys knowing or pretending not to know he is dating or in a relationship with another male or female?

4. Have you convinced your partner that it's OK for both of you to have sex with other guys, but call it 'fun' or 'entertainment' in an attempt to get around the fact that you are both cheating on each other, right in each others face by calling it an 'open' relationship?

Most 'gay' or bisexual males are OK with 1, 2 and 3, and of those who try to maintain a 'relationship' the majority must be OK with the #4.

How low does a person's self esteem and self worth have to be, to let that happen to him? But you would be surprised what guys will agree to, to avoid being alone, and dealing with the reality that his chance of another male wanting to even 'simulate' a relationship with him is vary remote. Never understanding the core reason his mate must have a constant stream of bodies to have sex with, is more tied to body image obsession and sex addiction.

It's time to Re-Think..
So you may want to re-think about the concept of 'live and let live', or 'it is what it is', or 'I try not to judge' when it comes to promiscuous sexual behavior with members of the gay group, or with biologically bisexual males. Because all it is, is his attempt at justifying his own current promiscuous sexual behavior, by making it OK for others to do the same.


You can't have it both ways, either you stand for something, or live with the consequences.
So don't blame the other males for being promiscuous and available to have sex with your partner, blame yourself, because you already 'approved' of the behavior. Don't blame other guys for not wanting to settle down with you, because you already 'approved' of the promiscuous sexual behavior that enables him to have sex with anyone he likes, whenever he likes.

Even with you and your partner. Sorry.......I mean your X.

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