Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sexual DIS-Satisfaction

Human beings, just like any other animal, needs basic natural sexual activity or sexual intercourse to complete their sexual fulfillment. When he or she lacks that sexual intercourse, the individual becomes out of balance.

Masturbation, masturbation, masturbation:
Due to an inability to attract the opposite sex or a lack of desire for the opposite sex, many males and females tend to resort to self stimulation or masturbation as a 'substitute' for sexual intercourse.

This masturbation can include but is not limited to self masturbation, masturbation by others, or masturbation inside, on top of, or against another person body or body parts. Any type of self stimulation is only masturbation when two sex organs are not connected to complete the sexual intercourse.

Simulated sexual intercourse:
The result of an inability to obtain sexual intercourse, the male tends to try all sorts of activities in an effort to 'simulate' the feeling of sexual intercourse. The result is that he will try to manually stimulate most every aspect of his body trying to reach the sexual fulfillment that can only be achieved through actual sexual intercourse between two sex organs.

You may have noticed that the side effect of his failed efforts, is that he will not only try to stimulate most every aspect of his body, but then will seek 'volume' sexual activity hoping that a different sexual partner or groups of sexual partners will meet his sexual need. But it still does not work.

Pain as pleasure:
Eventually he begins to see pain as pleasure in an effort to be able to connect an emotion to his self stimulation. He will even seek other males in an effort to inflict pain on him, that he then tries to connect with sexual enjoyment. But even that does not work long term, as he will need to suffer more and more pain.

Other not into pain, tend to see humiliation by the one he 'admires' as some sort of sexual stimulation. But this again is only a side effect of his inability or lack of desire to actually procreate or have natural sexual intercourse with another human.

This issue has been clearly tied to the fact that many males, not understanding that they are born Biologically Bisexual, will try 'restrict' all of his sexual activity to only masturbation alone or with another male in a variety of ways.

The result:
So what tends to happen is that if he is driven by sexual desire, he will tire of any one male quickly, and require a steady stream of masturbation partners in an attempt to reach basic human sexual satisfaction.

However, biologically bisexual males who have been able to balance their male and female aspects, and who are not driven by sexual desire/activity, are able to naturally find an outlet for sexual satisfaction every human needs, male or female.

So if you ever wondered why you keep having to find different ways to masturbate, even with a partner or partners, you now know that it doesn't matter how many other males, how masculine, how muscular he is.

It's always going to be about you, trying to 'simulate' sexual intercourse and only being able to get 'simulated' sexual satisfaction.

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